Please, Don’t Hate Me

Posted: April 9, 2011 at 1:24 pm

Please, don’t hate me. For being a beginner runner…and accidentally running 6.35 miles today. In under an hour.

4 9 run

Yes, I accidentally ran 6.3 miles in 59:00. My Garmin died not too long into my run. I apparently can’t do math. I was on a trail that had mile markers, so in my head I calculated the mile-marker to turn around at to achieve a 5.5 mile run. Except on the way back I counted up and then realized in total I had run somewhere between 6.3 and 6.4 miles. Oops! I felt amazing though! Guess my homemade Tropical Flax Bars made for some good fuel. (recipe to come soon)


Every time I lace up my sneakers, I feel shocked at my body’s ability to pick up this sport and endurance quicker than I could have ever expected. I know I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I haven’t done near the amazing things so many of you other runners have. It’s still pretty cool to see what my body can accomplish.

After my run, I showered up for a special lunch with blog reader and friend, Laura. We recently realized we live literally 5 minutes away from each other. She heard me raving about the BBQ restaurant ‘Cue the last time I tried it and wanted to take a visit together. I happily obliged to dining with her.


I ordered a BBQ pulled pork sandwich (the only thing I ever get at BBQ joints) along with some coleslaw to top the sandwich. Despite having a little issue with the bottle of sauce suddenly down pouring on my sandwich, the meal tasted great and I really loved chatting for awhile with a good friend.

Well, I must get a move on some baking now. Look for a couple new recipes later this week. Until then, enjoy some FFF Features from this past week! 🙂

Featured Workout: Once I felt fully recovered from my 24 hour bug, I went to the gym for a light cardio workout. It was fun because I mixed up the cardio with different machines and various intervals. It ended up being just the right amount of challenge.


Min Level RPE
0-5 5 5
5-10 10 8
10-15 8 7
15-20 13 9

Cross trainer

Min Incline / Resistanc RPE
0-3 7 / 7 6
3-5 10 / 7 8
5-6 10 / 10 9
6-9 8 / 8 7
9-11 11 / 8 8
11-12 11 / 11 9

Repeat minutes 0-12 for 24 total minutes on the cross trainer and 44 total cardio.

Featured Meal: Summery Salad 


You just can’t get more beautiful than that. Fruit, nuts, cheese, avocado, veggies, and a light vinaigrette. Yum!

Featured Quote: Simple and to the point, but definitely true -

“You DESERVE happiness”.

Featured Reading: Chelsey @ Clean Eating Chelsey - Little Girl, Fat Talk


She summated everything I hope to pass along to Makenzie as she grows into a young lady. Anyone who has any chance of making an impact on a girl’s life, needs to read this!

  • What’s something that amazes you about your body?

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65 Comments to “Please, Don’t Hate Me”
  1. Jolene says:

    nicely done!! What a nice surprise, right? I did almost 5 saturday and thought it was almost 4, so that was also a nice feeling! It happens, and hey, you know that increasing too much too fast isn’t the greatest, you are smart, and we would never hate you 🙂

  2. LauraJayne says:

    Good for you! I loved it when I’m amazed (or shocked) by what my body can do! It sounds like you rocked it and felt good afterward too!

  3. Congratulations! You’re super speedy!

    I ran 1.54 miles yesterday, and it took me 25 minutes. But you know what? I was really proud of myself because I only walked for a couple of minutes of that. Even though apparently my “running” is the same speed as walking.


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