Please, Don’t Hate Me
Posted: April 9, 2011 at 1:24 pmPlease, don’t hate me. For being a beginner runner…and accidentally running 6.35 miles today. In under an hour.
Yes, I accidentally ran 6.3 miles in 59:00. My Garmin died not too long into my run. I apparently can’t do math. I was on a trail that had mile markers, so in my head I calculated the mile-marker to turn around at to achieve a 5.5 mile run. Except on the way back I counted up and then realized in total I had run somewhere between 6.3 and 6.4 miles. Oops! I felt amazing though! Guess my homemade Tropical Flax Bars made for some good fuel. (recipe to come soon)
Every time I lace up my sneakers, I feel shocked at my body’s ability to pick up this sport and endurance quicker than I could have ever expected. I know I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I haven’t done near the amazing things so many of you other runners have. It’s still pretty cool to see what my body can accomplish.
After my run, I showered up for a special lunch with blog reader and friend, Laura. We recently realized we live literally 5 minutes away from each other. She heard me raving about the BBQ restaurant ‘Cue the last time I tried it and wanted to take a visit together. I happily obliged to dining with her.
I ordered a BBQ pulled pork sandwich (the only thing I ever get at BBQ joints) along with some coleslaw to top the sandwich. Despite having a little issue with the bottle of sauce suddenly down pouring on my sandwich, the meal tasted great and I really loved chatting for awhile with a good friend.
Well, I must get a move on some baking now. Look for a couple new recipes later this week. Until then, enjoy some FFF Features from this past week! 🙂
Featured Workout: Once I felt fully recovered from my 24 hour bug, I went to the gym for a light cardio workout. It was fun because I mixed up the cardio with different machines and various intervals. It ended up being just the right amount of challenge.
Min | Level | RPE |
0-5 | 5 | 5 |
5-10 | 10 | 8 |
10-15 | 8 | 7 |
15-20 | 13 | 9 |
Cross trainer
Min | Incline / Resistanc | RPE |
0-3 | 7 / 7 | 6 |
3-5 | 10 / 7 | 8 |
5-6 | 10 / 10 | 9 |
6-9 | 8 / 8 | 7 |
9-11 | 11 / 8 | 8 |
11-12 | 11 / 11 | 9 |
Repeat minutes 0-12 for 24 total minutes on the cross trainer and 44 total cardio.
Featured Meal: Summery Salad
You just can’t get more beautiful than that. Fruit, nuts, cheese, avocado, veggies, and a light vinaigrette. Yum!
Featured Quote: Simple and to the point, but definitely true -
“You DESERVE happiness”.
Featured Reading: Chelsey @ Clean Eating Chelsey - Little Girl, Fat Talk
She summated everything I hope to pass along to Makenzie as she grows into a young lady. Anyone who has any chance of making an impact on a girl’s life, needs to read this!
- What’s something that amazes you about your body?
Tags: blog friends, dining out, lunch, running
nicely done!! What a nice surprise, right? I did almost 5 saturday and thought it was almost 4, so that was also a nice feeling! It happens, and hey, you know that increasing too much too fast isn’t the greatest, you are smart, and we would never hate you 🙂
Good for you! I loved it when I’m amazed (or shocked) by what my body can do! It sounds like you rocked it and felt good afterward too!
Congratulations! You’re super speedy!
I ran 1.54 miles yesterday, and it took me 25 minutes. But you know what? I was really proud of myself because I only walked for a couple of minutes of that. Even though apparently my “running” is the same speed as walking.
You should be proud! You went for your goal and are doing YOUR thing. That is completely awesome. 🙂