Winners, Features, & Runs

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 10:59 am

Yesterday afternoon I faced this on the forecast for this morning’s run:


40% chance of rain. Scattered thunderstorms. Very humid. Ugliness.

I concocted a game plan so I wouldn’t just scrap my long run this week - especially because I likely will not get the chance for a long run during FitBloggin next week. Unless someone has plans to go out early Saturday or Sunday morning? After having fun with Cathe, trampolines, and a fun run 5K the day or two before? Any takers? Anyone? No? <--- only partially joking

I decided I would either have to a) face the chance of rain, b) hit up the treadmill if there are storms, or c) put off my run until Sunday after church when I normally await my rest. Guess which option won out?


The weather didn’t call for any more storms, just scattered showers – so I headed on out. And accomplished a new distance record to boot. That’s why I’m “raising the roof” in the above picture…if you could even tell what I was doing. Excitement for hitting 8 miles is what that is. I honestly felt like I could have gone MORE. I wanted to go more. Heck - “Firework” (my give-me-energy song) even came on right when I hit 8 miles. Alas…the desire for safe mileage increases won out and I stopped at eight. Feeling great at eight. I finished the run up in 1:13:34 for an average 9:12 pace. Woo!

Having a plan helps amp me up and stay focused. Planning keeps my game face on. You could say its how I work out smarter. Speaking of which – I loved all the ways you shared that you workout smarter in the comments section of the heart rate monitor giveaway. Here were some popular ones from many of you:

  • incorporating HIIT (high intensity interval training)
  • resting regularly to avoid injury and over-training
  • adding strength training in to your workouts <--- you know I’m a fan!
  • doing a variety of activities
  • fueling and hydrating properly
  • planning and scheduling workouts
  • keeping them fun

Great thinking, friends! Although I’m sure you really just want to hear who won the giveaways. Well – I’ve kept you waiting long enough. The winners are…

4all Workout Top Winner = #110 Alexa @ Alexa’s Tales


Duo Heart Rate Monitor Winner = #120 Reader Danielle


Congrats, ladies! Please email me with your contact information so I can be sure you get your prizes! 🙂

With that…we will head on to the FFF Features of the Week. Happy weekend, y’all! 🙂

Featured Personal Post – Month 4 Progress Update

month 3 progress 1 month 4 progress 1

I still can’t believe how much this recent month showed me about progress.

Featured Moment – Registering for My Next Race


Featured Meal – Grilled Goat Cheese Sandwich + Soup

soup and sandwich

Featured Cuteness – Baby B Hitting 4 Months Old


Featured Reading – New Blogs to Check Out

Jess @ The Search For Daly Authenticity


I love Jess! She is such a sweetheart and always has great content. She just handled a big move with the utmost grace and positivity – still sharing her bright attitude along the way. Give her some love!

Kara @ It’s A Dog Lick Baby World


Cute baby. Crazy awesome runner. Quite the sense of humor. AKA – great blog!

Kelly @ Beneath It All


Girlfriend just got engaged!  Congrats again, Kelly!!! Plus, she is spunky and always shares her fun life with an upbeat attitude. Lots of running and workout fun along the way!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Share some love with someone…and with yourself too. You deserve it!

  • What is a blog you recently discovered and love? Or one you believe is a hidden treasure in the abundance of healthy living blogs?

45 Comments to “Winners, Features, & Runs”
  1. 8 miles! You are my hero today. Congratulations on your new record!

  2. Way to go on the PDR!!!! Nice time too. Cross training is soooo important when running and racking up those miles. I used to love my HIIT workouts, but have really been lax about them. Need to add those back in along with just some speed intervals rather than just miles. Anyway….back to you 😉 high 5’s!!!

  3. Congrats on an amazing run, Tina! Your splits are fabulous, especially for such a long distance! Way to go! 😀

  4. Great job on your run Tina! I had the same problem — it was supposed to rain all morning so I went out and ran last night — problem solved!

    A new-to-me blog that I really like is Cotter Crunch — Lindsay is so genuine and I really appreciate that!

  5. Great job on your run! Inspiration for mine today:)

  6. Wow! Congrats on your pace AND your distance. So motivating to see feats like this! 🙂

  7. Melissa says:

    Woot woot! I love when a run leaves me feeling like I could go further! You are awesome, Tina!!!! 😀

    And you look super fantastic! I think you’re amazing! I just love how positive you are. Glad you guest posted over at PBF so I could “find” you! XO

  8. Great job on your run! I remember the first time I ran 8 miles–it’s such a great feeling of accomplishment to break through new mileage barriers.

    My favorite blog that I’ve (somewhat) recently discovered is Food Doodles.
    I love finding food bloggers with kids! 🙂

  9. lindsay says:

    Eight is GREAT! I ran in the rain too! so refreshing, isn’t it?! Love you little ball of cutness. Baby B!
    Have a great weekend Tina.

  10. Great job on the run! I seriously read so many blogs that I can’t just pick one – I rad the bigger ones, but I also read smalller blogs as well. Love them ALL!!

  11. congrats on the run! you’re inspiring!

  12. Kelly says:

    You look really great! All that hard work is definitely paying off. And P.S. I ran eight miles too this morning. Congratulations on hitting your personal distance record.

  13. vivoir says:

    I spy with my little eye…. A FELLOW UNDER ARMOUR FAN!!!! Yaaaaay!

  14. Jess says:

    NIcely done on the 8-miler! I did close to 7 today and it felt great to get the mileage up again! Wahoo!

  15. Melie says:

    Amazing job on the run! You are so fast! 🙂 I really miss my half-marathon training days when all long runs were a new PDR..

  16. Kara says:

    Any run that ends with you feeling like you could keep going is a great run!

    Thanks for the shout out 🙂

  17. Katie H says:

    It’s been really fun to see you transform into a bona fide runner. Awesome stuff! I love running in the rain, so long as 1) It isn’t freezing and 2) there isn’t thunder and lightning.

    Enoy the rest of your weekend!

  18. Lee says:

    You are almost at half-marathon distance! Great job, Tina!

  19. Tina, You are so sweet.
    This is just what I needed today! I am quite under the weather and to see such a nice description under my blog is encouraging!

    Thanks for the love!

  20. Becca says:

    I lovelovelovelove that picture of B!! 😀
    And congrats on the distance!

    Two blogs that I discovered kind of recently (in the last couple of months) that I absolutely love:

    (Yes, you read that second one correctly.)
    Both very genuine and entertaining. Always make me think!! And it helps a lot that they share a lot of my beliefs and values. I learn something new with every post. 🙂

  21. Heather says:

    Great job on the run – awesome!
    I’d be up for a run next weekend – probably not as long as you (I’m still being careful with my leg), but I could do at least 5! Let me know! 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I don’t think I would do a long run like 7 or 8. I just may want to get out Saturday or Sunday early am for some sort of run. I’ll probably have to play it somewhat by ear with timing (and how sore Cathe makes me LOL). We’ll definitely have to keep running 5 together in mind though!

  22. Woohoo, 8 miles, that’s awesome Tina! I actually love running in the rain (as long as it isn’t thunderstorms). For whatever reason, it allows me to clear my mind even more than on a regular (dry) run.

    • Tina says:

      That’s why I was kind of hoping for the light showers. It does sound refreshing. Especially towards the end of a run. 🙂

      • It is certainly refreshing. However, if it turns into heavy rain while you’re out there, it can make for an uncomfortable run. Last summer I was out on a 9 mile run, and it started to downpour about 5 miles in. By the end, my clothes were soaked beyond belief, and sticking to me. I guess it’s days like those I wish I were confident enough to run in spandex shorts!

  23. There have been many times I have gone out for a run when the skies are dark and it looks like rain…I just hope for the best!!! I have been lucky so far and have never gotten stuck in rain…althought I have gotten stuck in snow!
    Baby B is the cutest little guy!! 🙂

  24. Karolina says:

    Congrats on your 8 miles! I’ve walked that distance but definitely never run that far. I’m fairly certain i would not make it!

  25. Eight miles is a huge accomplishment! Woot! Congrats, Tina!

    I can’t get enough of that picture of Baby B! He is such a cutie! Beware the teenage years…I’m sensing you’ll have girls lining up at your door. :-p

    Thanks for sharing each of these new-to-me blogs! I love “meeting,” connecting with, and leaning from new friends each week! That’s what I love most about the blogging community–there’s always room for new ideas, perspectives and friendships.

    Hope you’re enjoying your weekend!

  26. michelle says:

    I love Kara’s blog! She’s always a great commenter as well.

  27. Amanda Perry says:

    Nice work getting it done. 🙂 You look amazing. Keep it up!

  28. Michelle says:

    Yay on 8 miles!!! I love runs when you feel like you can run forever.

  29. They’re calling for tons of rain all week here! Ick!

    That goat cheese sandwich looks like heaven! I just recently discovered goat cheese and I’m hooked!

    • Tina says:

      Goat cheese is so amazing. I only started LOVING it this year…and kicked myself for missing out on its goodness for so long. Haha!

  30. Great job on all your hard work!

  31. Priyanka says:

    You have made such amazing progress Tina! 8 miles in 1:14 is awesome. Just found my new interest in running and racing as well.

  32. Lindsey says:

    Tina – Great job on your 8 miles! That is awesome! And congrats on all the body after baby progress you have made. You are such an inspiration. It’s great you are making progress in such a healthy way.

  33. I recently discovered Running off the Reese’s ( It is very entertaining!!!

  34. congrats on your run tina!! that’s amazing! and you totally rocked it.

  35. […] I met a new distance record on my long run and shared the giveaway winners. […]

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