Self-Love Reflection: Purpose
Posted: May 22, 2011 at 4:12 pmDo you believe in yourself? Do you believe that you have something to offer this world? Do you believe you have something to give to your family, friends, job, etc? If you think you don’t then you are sadly mistaken. Every person in this world, including you, plays some part. No one else has the same set of strengths, interests, and goals as you. The things that make you unique have the power to affect others. Those other people affected by you can then go forth to work in other peoples’ lives. It’s a never ending cycle that works its way back around to you and once again continues.
The actions you take carry more weight than you might think. We must acknowledge that our actions have an impact. We should remember that the things we pursue have worth. We need to pursue those things which give us a sense of purpose, because that is exactly why those passions are placed in our hearts – they have a purpose. When we live life intentionally, we can do great things. We cannot know the reach of our lives.
Originally, I thought a life of purpose came through having a lot of control, power, and influence. I thought only great figures could really live a life of purpose. I didn’t think people simply going about their days could really make an impact. Then, I began to take a closer look.
When I was teaching, my life had purpose to act as a positive role-model to my students and encourage an interest in learning by showing them not all classrooms were lectures and notes. As a wife, my life has purpose to support my husband’s interests and goals, as well as to work together for us each to become who God created us to be. As a mother, my life has great purpose. I am one of the biggest influences in Makenzie’s and Braedon’s lives. Even simply as a human being, I have purpose to be kind to others.
I don’t have to do these amazing, widespread works to have purpose. My purpose comes in simply living and sharing love with others. I do believe there are still great things out there for me to do. I feel my life has purpose to spread positive messages to others and I admittedly get anxious to know exactly what path that will take. I have to say though, simply knowing that my life has purpose now and in the future makes life feel that much sweeter. I don’t feel like I wander around lost in my life, just going through the motions. I really do strive to make the best of each day because I know just how meaningful I am. You are too. Don’t forget it!
What ways do you have purpose?
Tags: self-love reflections
You are so inspiring Tina! Thank you for reminding me I do have purpose in so many ways. I can relate to your purpose, both as a teacher and wife.
I have a purpose in this healthy living community and as a holistic health counselor to spread a message of healthy living and living a balanced life.
I have a few purposes me thinks. As of recently the most overwhelming is my purpose of loving children whose mommies and daddies need to go to work.
Such a beautiful and inspiring post as always, Tina! I’m in a transitional time right now, so it’s easy to doubt my purpose(s) sometimes, but I have to believe that I have purpose now and no matter what. We’re too lovely not to believe in ourselves. 🙂
Love this post 🙂
I really don’t think I discovered that I HAD a purpose until I had kids. It’s wild how much clarity they give you! Even at 32, I’m still trying to find my purpose and trying to enjoy every moment while I make my discoveries!
Beautiful post Tina!
Your workd are so true, I’ll have to say my purpose is to find out my true passions, and pursue my dreams 🙂
This is a question I ask myself everyday! And I think for me it varies (like you) based on the different relationships I have. But overall, I think my daily purpose is to engage with people and make them smile (as cheesy as that sounds). Luckily, I’ve been able to do that both at work and in my personal life. 🙂
Hey Tina, I found your blog tonight through another blog. I was kind of surfing around, but I got stuck on your blog. I love it! I don’t know how long I’ve been on it, but my eyes are starting to lose focus from staring at the computer screen reading for so long! I especially appreciated the posts on getting your period back to get pregnant. I am currently trying to regain my period for the same reason. Thanks for being such an inspiration! I’ve added your blog to my blogroll, and it’s definitely a new favorite!
Wow! Thanks! I feel so honored. 🙂
And feel free to vent to me anytime if needed with the TTC and gaining weight. I always have an open ear and know it can be tough at times. 🙂
I love what you said about wanting to spread positive messages and not being completely sure what route that will take. I feel the same way, I’m also anxious to see where it will go but excited for the journey.
Wonderful post as usual! 🙂
Love this post! I feel like I’m floating around a bit at the moment, trying to decide on a career.. or even just a first job to set me on my way. I think I’ve been stressing because I feel like a job should give me a sense of purpose, but this has made me think about the other places that purpose comes from. Thank you 🙂
I’ll never forget being in high school and coming across the Horace Mann quote, “Be ashamed today until you have won some victory for humanity.” Victory doesn’t mean winning a war or doing some huge, momentous thing- it can be as small as making a huge, lasting impact on those around you. I think being a good mother is one of the most important jobs on the planet 🙂
Great post as always!! I LOVE your blog! My purpose (and should be everybody’s) is to spread Jesus’ love, word, and hopefully they will accept Jesus as their Savior. My next purpose is my job as a 1st grade teacher. My other purposes is to be a good daughter, sister, and aunt (to the gratest 2yr old ever!!). Hopefully,if it’s in Gods will, my purpose will be to be a Mom of many (like 4 or 5) kids and a wonderful spouse to my husband. Then, I want to just be a stay at home Mom. All of these are important, but I have to remember that the most important one is the 1st one I listed. 🙂
Very true!!!