Fun Facts and Flashbacks

Posted: March 26, 2010 at 8:57 am

It's Friday!!! Which means time for a fun, lighthearted post. Fun in the way of facts and flashbacks. Let's start with the fun facts. Remember, only one is the truth that you have to pick. πŸ™‚

  1. I have a fear of heights.
  2. I have a fear of needles.

And now I'm going to a Flashback Friday type of post. πŸ™‚ I always enjoy reading the flashback posts from other bloggers out there since I think we all have such interesting things to share. My first flashback is inspired by a very special event of this week, my friend's delivery of her baby girl. It totally Β brought nostalgia of my own experience and I think it was perfect timing for this to be my flashback.

Well, it was a Monday morning and I had just reached 38 weeks. I was heading out to the doctor for my normal weekly check up looking a little something like this...

awkard photo of me at 38 weeks

At the office, they did all the normal heartbeat monitoring, pee pee samples, blood pressure checks, etc. Then all things halted when they measured my stomach. Which was reading small, again. They sent me to get an ultrasound to check her growth, again. I will admit that I was a bit exasperated and thinking this was going to be a waste of time. All throughout my pregnancy I had measured small, and not for lack of eating I can assure you. πŸ˜‰ I had already been put through numerous ultrasounds (racking up the insurance bills) just to be told "oh she is measuring a bit smaller than average, but still well within normal range". I was fully expecting to get the same "diagnosis" this time with a couple hundred dollars tacked on to pay. How ultrasounds are so dang expensive when they last 2 minutes is beyond me. But I digress.

So, I went in to look at another picture like this... first one, but you get the idea

...and was shocked when the tech went quiet and dropped her smile. Um, hello?! Could you please tell me what's going on??? They had me clean up and go into the midwife's office to speak with her. The news? "You need to go into the hospital this afternoon to be induced first thing in the morning because your daughter is no longer growing and getting the nutrition she needs inside of you". Insert moment of panic *here*. They assured me she was alright, which is why they weren't doing things right that moment and to go home rest and get things ready before coming in that night. Rest? Are you KIDDING me?! All I have to say is thank goodness that previous Friday we finally finished all of the house remodeling we had been working on for 6+ months. Just finished as in our entire upstairs was gutted for months on end while my husband rebuilt it and we had the carpet installed (the final touch) just a few days before.

Well, we finally headed in to the hospital at around 4:00 that afternoon. They put something up in me to get me started. That sounds wrong on so many levels. Get me started with contractions you dirty people. πŸ˜‰ Then I settled in with a few favorite things for what would be my last night of peace in a long time.

Friends DVDs

my first encounter with Twilight

Subway Dinner

I was woken up at about 5am the next morning to be induced. BAH! I don't think I have ever hurt like that. I was started on Pitocin (the drug used for induction) at around 6:30am, even though I had already started some mild contractions on my own. They wanted to speed things up. Which...they did! I was in agony. And they kept telling me it would most likely be awhile and could take all day. What?! There's no way. I was finally checked out again, expecting to be told I was a wuss and only dilated a few centimeters. The news? "Oh wow! Do you want an epidural now because if you want it we need to get it in Β you. You're already at 7 (out of 10) cm!". Well, no wonder I was in so much pain. I had stretched out a ton in a limited amount of time. Enter epidural man (aka my hero), enter nurse to reduce the pitocin because I was going too fast and the midwife was busy, and enter a blissful hour nap.

It all went so fast there. I will spare you the gory details, but when the nurse came in at 11:15 we only had to wait 10 minutes for Makenzie to be welcomed to the world. The little 6lb 5oz booger shot out in no time and made that part extremely easy on me.

M looking all cute, me looking all exhausted

I am very thankful for my first birthing experience. It was relatively pain free and easy...which just has me knowing that the next one will not be so nice. And she has been the most easy and enjoyable little ray of sunshine since. πŸ™‚

one of my favorite pics done by my good friend Mandy

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No Comments to “Fun Facts and Flashbacks”
  1. Aw…Tina, I love this. πŸ™‚ And I’m going with a fear of needles. πŸ˜‰

  2. Genie says:

    I LOVE that picture of Makenzie!!!

    this “The little 6lb 5oz booger shot out in no time”
    made me laugh! Sounds disgusting!! LOL!

  3. Danielle says:

    I loved reading about your daughter’s birth πŸ™‚

    I would have freaked out if they told me I had to go into labor that second! I’m a ‘planner’ lol

  4. wow, i would have lost it if i’d heard that! it’s so amazing that your experience was a good one though…and what an amazing blessing on the other side! when i’m preggo i might be emailing for advice πŸ˜‰

  5. Great flashback!! I’ve not had children, but remember the experiences of being their for one of my very best friends and for my sister. So special.

  6. I’m going with a fear of heights since you had the epidural!
    And thank you for sharing!! That is SUCH an experience. Wow. I can’t wait to have a baby… but then again, I can πŸ™‚ Your daughter is so precious! A gift from God.
    Much love!

  7. Lisa says:

    I love your preggo story!

  8. Brittany says:

    Mackenzie is so beautiful! I’m scared to death of being pregnant but when the outcome is something as special as that, bring it!

  9. I’m going to say you’re scared of HEIGHTS. The only reason I say that is because my mom always says that she’s not bothered by needles/any medical procedures since nothing will ever be as bad as giving birth πŸ˜›

  10. I ❀ pregnant people. And babies!

    And I’m going with heights, because it sounds like you took that epidural with open arms. Although even if I were scared to death of needles I probably wouldn’t turn the epidural down… πŸ˜‰

  11. Thanks for sharing. Great story! I can’t wait to have a baby! πŸ™‚

  12. homecookedem says:

    Thanks for sharing your birth story! I was sitting in a room where everyone was a mother except for me and they were all exchanging birth stories. I sat back and the look on my face must have been priceless, haha! πŸ˜‰ I thought I know everything, but nooooo, I definitley did NOT!! EEK! πŸ™‚

  13. homecookedem says:

    ok, so many typos in that comment (must learn to read back over before hitting submit!!)…

    I meant to say I was recently sitting in a room…

    also I meant to say I thought I knew everything, not know everything! πŸ˜‰

    I’m sure you could have figured that out, but the type A part of me just had to clarify, haha! πŸ˜‰

  14. Ameena says:

    I was induced too! I really liked it because it took the uncertainty factor out of things for me.

    I’m glad everything turned out so great for you. Makenzie is gorgeous in both pictures. And you look amazing too!

  15. hehe as you know I love baby stories/pics on blogs so thanks for sharing!

    Because you got an epidural I’m guessing you are scared of heights.

  16. What a beautiful birth story…thanks for sharing it with us! I was a drug-free ala natural mama and if someone would have told me I had to wait an hour, there was no stoppin Skylar, she wanted out in the worst way πŸ™‚ Thanks for your support and friendship, I am shouting out to you in my post today πŸ™‚

  17. What an amazing and happy story Tina! I definitely know that scary feeling when everyone in the room goes silent and their smiles fade. Terrifying thats for sure. I was on pitocin too and I couldn’t even see straight I was in so much pain. I cried out of happiness when the epidural got there!

    What a sweet baby girl you have… πŸ™‚

  18. lessonstolearn says:

    What a story! I teared up πŸ™‚ I can’t wait until I get to meet my baby. Seems like such a long wait!

  19. M was an adorable newborn! I loved reading her story.

  20. Vee says:

    This is quite a story. I am looking forward to becoming a mother one day yet I am so scared of the birth.. reading your story made me realize it is all so worth it!

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