Slow On The Uptake & Spousal Annoyances
:Ohhhhh…..the alarm beeped at me way too early this morning. I did not want to peel myself out of bed when it went off. 5:20 am on a Saturday morning, I don’t care for you very much after a later than normal night.
I wish I could say I stayed up late for good reason. Well, I did partly. Chelsey and I I had some awesome chat time last night that I had to peel myself away from…but that can’t be why I’m so tired. I could not fall asleep again. It seems at least once a week I get a random bout of insomnia…but Peter doesn’t really help matters.
I love my husband. I really, really do. But I secretly desire to knee him in the shins most nights because he can fall asleep so easily. His head hits the pillow and he is out like a light…and snoring. Well, snoring isn’t really it. It’s more this weird wheezy, loud breathing with a click. Like I said, I love my husband. I really, really do. But why does he have to fall asleep so dang fast to keep me from escaping “the nose click” at night?!
I need some of these…
Oh, wait. Those are mine. Even they don’t work.
Whew, that felt good. And to be fair, I know I have my annoying things I do too. Which is why I brought my pre-run English muffin with peanut butter and jelly back up into the bed with me. It felt like a little victory when he groaned at me “do you have to eat so loud??”. Although of course he just rolled over and fell right back asleep. Click. Wheeze. Click.
Ah, marital bliss. All about communication, respect, giving each other time and support, and annoying the heck out of each other. What? I know you have your “things” in your relationships too. Don’t try to hide it from me.
Run time!
Obviously if I’m waking up and eating at 5-*^%$@#-30 in the morning, it means I have a long run for the day. Last week I had a recovery week, so this week I jump back up to my previous mileage of ten miles.
The run started off slow. I looked at my watch thinking I had at least close to two miles under my belt and saw .8 miles. Ouch. I thought I had a long road ahead of me, but then got in the zone quickly after that. I felt good and was keeping a steady pace around 9:15 minute miles.
Before I knew it, I hit the 5 mile mark to turn around and head back. I planned to take some fuel around the seven mile mark and when I thought it was getting close I glanced down and saw around 6.5 miles. Went a little longer…checked again and still 6ish miles. Oh, man. Things were dragging again!
Then, I ran a decent amount longer and thought my mileage really should have added up by that point. Checked again…
Doh! I had forgotten to restart my Garmin after stopping to cross a street. It took me three times to figure it out though. Slow on the uptake, much? That would be me! At least I knew my mileage since it was out and back. I don’t know my final time or pace, but that doesn’t matter. My goal for long runs has much less to do with pace and more to do with surviving and ending feeling strong. Which, I did! Success!
I just finished devouring some breakfast – a cozy bowl of oats after a chilly run – and now I must head to the ice bath and foam roller. And let me just say, an ice bath sounds incredibly cruel right now. How am I going to do it in the winter?! Gah!
- What is a small annoyance your significant other, roommate, or a close friend does that gets under your skin?
- Do you ever have “slow on the uptake” moments? What was your last one?