Self-Love Reflection: Perseverance

Posted: April 17, 2011 at 4:14 pm

When you care about something, perseverance must not waver. In order for our passions to continue to grow, we must practice perseverance. It keeps us true to ourselves. Following through can present quite the challenge when its easier to just let things go or ride along in the sweeping currents of others’ wishes and decisions. We have to fight…for the right…to paarrr-tay. Or, you know, LIVE OUR LIVES.

As a new mom, “take care of yourself” appears numerous times in the onslaught of advice from others. At first, I blinked with unbelieving eyes because how in the world could a spare moment to care for myself exist when playing booby bar mom to a newborn? Let me tell you – those first few weeks after Makenzie were some of the hardest of my life…ranking right up there with the week my father hit me and said he had “tried to love me my entire life but never could” on our family vacation. I loved baby M so much that I lost all sense of self.

Just as I dug my heels in to regain control of my life after my senior year of college, I straightened my shoulders and looked those lost feelings in the eye and said “back off!”. I persevered. I made a point to care for myself and work towards my own goals, in addition to being there for my loved ones.  It was hard and I felt guilty at times, but I knew caring for myself meant the best for my happiness and my family’s well being.

In reality, anything worthwhile involves struggle. What would our lives look like if we always took the easy road? We have to adopt a will to persevere in those trying times because things will turn around. Our issues only even have a chance of turning into something wonderful with our determination to plow through them backed up by the 1,000 armies of belief in change and hope in good.

No matter what you face today – overcoming eating struggles, feeling unworthy, facing uncertainty for the future, battling a trying relationship/health issue/work situation, etc – persevere. Remember that you will make it through and that the hard work will be worth it. Listen to your heart, gut, instincts, and God to guide your life…not someone else’s. And not a lesser version of your own either.

  • What ways have you seen the benefits of perseverance in your life?
  • If you don't want to get too personal, what are some small acts people can do to keep on keeping on?


22 Comments to “Self-Love Reflection: Perseverance”
  1. Jessica says:

    Just found your blog and so glad I did. What a great and refreshing post. I’ve been facing some challenges at work lately and fate must have brought me here 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration & love the Beastie Boys reference.

  2. Brooke says:

    i definitely needed this today. after 2 years of training to run, hike, swim, and bike and getting in the best shape every, my husband hopped off the couch and beat me in a 26.2 mile walk/run/hike race. i’m very discouraged.

    • Girl, don’t let that bring you down! Own all that hard work you’ve been doing and compete against yourself. Sometimes men just are stronger no matter how little they’ve worked at something. Good luck with your training and keep on pushing yourself in the direction that makes you happiest!

    • Tina says:

      I think Lauren said it all. You did your best and worked so hard. THAT is what matters and you should feel so proud. And plus, you birthed his child…he can’t claim that awesome feat of strength! 😉

  3. In terms of “giving up” — I have almost done that with a few friends in the past and instead, we worked on our friendship and I’m so glad we did! We easily could have walked away, but instead we have each other to lift each other up.

  4. Jolene says:

    I REALLY loved this one when I first read it and love the second wave of it even more…giving up sometimes IS so easy, and right now, for me, I needed to read this too. For me, running has been a huge struggle. My breathing is way off and I’m at the point where I’m questioning if I can do this, if I am capable of getting back to running for a half marathon. But I need to take a step back, take it one mile at a time, and not mile(s) at a time and get back to it. Perserverence, right?

  5. I think that perseverance is really crucial in developing a self love for yourself. Some days, i really just don’t like myself. However, it’s not true EVERY day. I just have to remember that tomorrow is a new day!

    • Tina says:

      Yes! I definitely have rough days where I’m down on myself too. But overall I know I have come very far and feel so much better overall. I like to focus on that.

  6. What a great post and topic. Giving up can be so easy. I know for me when something goes wrong, getting down on myself can be the easy way out. Far easier than trying to figure out what I can do differently in the future. But after years of giving into that negativity, now I actively try to find something positive about every negative. It truly can be tough sometimes, but I believe just naming something positive that happened to you in the day helps. And every day is a new day with new possibilities.

  7. I love that first quote. I don’t think courage has to be some huge thing. It often means bravery in everyday life.

  8. Jennifer Rahn says:

    This is a beautiful post. I especially love the Radmacher quote.

    It’s funny that you should point to the first few weeks of M’s life as being some of your hardest. For me, the first couple of months of Henry’s life have been some of MY most difficult (though everything pales in comparison to the time after my parents’ divorce and some very low points when I was in the depths of my ED). But, in terms of adult married life, this has been the most challenging time. Thank you for the inspiration to keep going.

  9. Errign says:

    For me, I think the reality of seeing results or a positive outcome is what keeps me keeping on. I make a point to remind myself of the good things and then the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad things are not so bad! 🙂

  10. What a beautiful post! I love how you write about such serious topics with poise yet a dash of humor!

    My relationship is a true testament to perseverance. We have been long distance for almost all of our 3.5 year relationship, and friends for even longer. When you are separated by an ocean, it takes a lot of perseverance (and love) to keep a relationship strong and healthy.

  11. Karolina says:

    I love the quote on courage. The idea of perseverance in the face of continuous “failures” (or what we often identify as failures) has always interested me. When I think of perseverance, I think of writing my thesis for grad school. I faced a number of huge obstacles, and felt at times that I lacked some necessary support from some committee members. Every time I want to give up in life, I think of that half a year of my life, and the lessons I learned from that!

  12. this is a great post Tina!! wowww so timely. I’ve been praying for my family my whoolle life!! and just recently my sis received the Lord into her life and chose to get baptized YESTERDAY!! WHOOWHOO!! God is so good. lesson: be persistent in prayer and have faith. 😀

  13. I think perseverence has played a huge role in my life. There have many times where I’ve felt like giving up and not taking my life to the next level, but at those times, a voice in my head has always said, “If you give up now, then what? What are you proving?” I truly believe that each and every moment in our life (good and bad) defines us, so why not keep trekking and showing the world that we will never give up no matter what. I love this post, Tina! It gives all of us so much to think about! Thank you!

  14. Kimberly says:

    Great post Tina! I have had to REALLY persevere with my health and I haven’t always done so great at it. It is SO easy to say “why bother”. It is SO easy to give up on trying to take care of myself, but I’m glad God hasn’t allowed me to do that. I’m thankful that I can be stubborn in some ways 🙂

  15. katie says:

    I love this post Tina! I would say the hardest thing i’ve had to ‘persevere’ through in my life so far is nursing school…it was a very long and difficult road.. but like all things long/difficult it was worth it! 🙂

  16. Groff's Girl says:

    Great post!! It truly is a hard thing for people to get!! I had a mom that left my sister and I when I was just about 5. A step-mom who thought I was a beating post and told me my mom was dead so I would staop askin about her. I suffered such low self-esteem at the hands of this woman. Everyday that I can say, “I look pretty” or “I am worth it” is a jab back at her for failing to break me! Although I still suffer anxiety and image issues, I do my best and know that as long as I don’t give up, I am still winning the race!!!

    • Tina says:

      That is SO inspiring! And I love how you focus on living your life well now to prove her wrong, rather than holding grudges and trying to do something back to her. 🙂

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