I Don’t Know What To Say

Posted: August 27, 2011 at 6:00 pm

I have no clue what to tell you right now. No, seriously. Not a clue. You see, a lot of times I pre-write the main body of my posts one post ahead. I will edit, update and add the photos quickly closer to publishing, but the main writing has to come when I have more time to think – aka nap times and earlier wake-up calls.

This normally works just fine because I know ahead of time what I want to share or what I plan to do in a day. But, shooooot….didn’t work so well this time. I wrote this post this morning with not a clue as to what my day had in store for me…and therefore, not a clue what to tell you! But, it’s worth it. Or at least I hope it is. Remember, I have not a clue what is going on here.

After my long run this morning, Peter had some things planned as a celebration for my birthday. I had two requests – I don’t want to have to plan/worry/think about anything and I want to feel special/pampered/doted on more than normal. I know he feels he has to make up for the Mothers Day fiasco so he is sticking strongly to the surprise, fun, laid back, all-about-me day. But I don’t know what that involves. Good thing this control freak actually LOVES surprises like this and I promise to share it all with you tomorrow afternoon!

But I won’t leave you without anything. I still have this week’s FFF Features. Happy Saturday and happy reading! Smile 

Featured Personal Post: Tough Decisiondeciding to wean Braedon


Runner Up: More in 5-4-3-2-1 – a fun little survey type post I came up with (love reading all your versions that have popped up around the blogosphere!)

Featured Workout Post: Running Tips to Start Runningten things that helped me get started running and continue making progress in my training


Runner Up: Sweating Another Birthday – Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. = this weights workout

Featured Recipe/Meal Post: Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies


Runner Up: Meal By Meal approach to eating habits.

Featured Fun Post: Blog Secretsfun updates and tools for blogging

FAITH, FITNESS, FUN - Google Chrome 8262011 61411 AM

Runner Up: The Birthday Edition – recap of my actual birthday

Featured Cuteness: Kiddos Playing Together


Featured Reading: Then Heather Said 

Then Heather Said - Google Chrome 8272011 63156 AM

Super duper sweetheart. Super duper funny. Super duper real. Super duper inspiring! Heather talks about a lot of stuff on her blog in a very genuine way. I always feel like I’m sitting down to chat with a good friend when I read her blog and am so proud of her! It felt fantastic to finally meet her this past weekend at Healthy Living Summit! She is just as wonderful in person. Give her some love!

  • Do you like surprises? I love to be surprised for gifts/celebrations. I have never been one to try to find my Christmas presents and I would love a surprise birthday party someday!
  • Have you entered the Luna Protein Giveaway??


18 Comments to “I Don’t Know What To Say”
  1. I LOVE surprises! They’re so much fun. Enjoy your surprise celebration! 🙂

  2. I’m so excited to see what Peter does to make you feel special today. Have fun!!

  3. I am also a control freak, but I LOVE surprises! Especially if they are meaningful and special. Can’t wait to read about Peter’s surprise to you!

    Enjoy the rest of your day, my dear. 🙂

  4. Jessica says:

    I’m a control freak, too, but there is something about surprises that I love and I give up my controlling nature without an issue.

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday surprise!!

  5. For a post that was completely spontaneous– I’d say you did a mighty fine job 😉

    I do love surprises– I tell everyone to surprise me all the time haha

  6. lindsay says:

    Now I am dying to know what he did for your birthday!! Such a tease. hehe.

  7. Hope you had a great time! I like surprises and am very gullible so I’ve been surprised a lot!

    • Tina says:

      I am so bad with surprises. I love them but am pretty intuitive on some thigns so I always seem to figure them out. So trhilled that I was surprised for everything yesterday.

  8. Hope you had a good day!

    I absolutely HATE surprises… not sure why but I am pretty sure I have somehow weaseled birthday/christmas present “hints” from my parents since I was 5! I have issues 🙂

  9. Khushboo says:

    I love surprises although the waiting part makes me really anxious ha! Just saw on twitter you had a great time, can’t wait to read all about it 🙂

  10. Efka says:

    I looove surprises 😀

    And just wanted to say thanks for your tips on NEXT button, I love it

  11. You know, Tina…so many times I sit down at the computer with NO CLUE what I’m going to say. I admire you for being prepared most of the time! You always have something to say that’s worth reading and thinking about. Thanks for that!

    • Tina says:

      Thanks! It honestly comes from God. I truly believe it. So many times I don’t know what to talk about and then it hits like a bolt of lightning. LOL

  12. Deb N. says:

    What brand of headband are you wearing in your photo? I am looking for the perfect one!

    • Tina says:

      I wear Bondi Bands when I run. Love them! They stay put and keep the sweat out of my face….although they aren’t always the cutest things in the world.

  13. jobo says:

    That happens to me sometimes too. Blank brain! But you NEVER have nothing to say, and that’s what I love 🙂 BTW, love the updates to your blog and feel absolutely honored to be on your list 🙂 Ditto!

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