Go Get ‘Em Tiger: Achieving Your Goals

Posted: August 29, 2011 at 8:00 am

Yet another week greets us, which means another need to play catch up with our blog friends after a busy weekend away from the computer, right? Winking smile 

How it should be. If you’re wanting to get all up to date with FFF happenings, here ya go!

Whew! That’s a link roundup right there! Now, why don’t we dive right into this morning’s post. I realized at the end of last week I never gave you part two of my Numbers Game panel recap. I figured Monday morning made the perfect time to make up for it. I’m sure we all have some goals we would like to tackle this upcoming week – so let’s do that in a healthy, balanced way! Smile 

speaking panel
The awesome panel: Lisa, Janetha, and Beth

In Part One of the Numbers Game I focused on the positive and negative ways we can use goals. Well, that’s all fine and dandy to look at but what matters is how we apply that information. In today’s post, I want to discuss how we make sure we use numbers to motivate our goals in a balanced way that helps us achieve healthy progress.

We each had different experiences to share and key points to take away. Some of my other members have each done a great job giving their points of view on their own blogs:

Now, it’s time for another one of mine. (with some fun outtakes again along the way)


Step One: Break It Down. Think about your goal. What does the big picture of your goal look like? Running a half marathon? Writing a book? Doing ten push-ups on your toes? Holding a challenging yoga position a full minute? Developing your blog? Achieving a healthy weight? Saving money? Reading more books? Picking your nose less? (checking you’re paying attention) What IS your goal?

Now…list out everything you can actively do to work towards that goal. Be specific. List out the many actions you can take that can help you achieve your goals.

Step Two: Focus On What You CAN Control. If you have a weight loss goal, you may find yourself frustrated when the scale doesn’t reflect your efforts. If you have a blogging related you goal, you may get discouraged should the growth you anticipated not happen. However, those numbers relate to outside sources (hormones and water weight or people clicking your site). You can’t fully control them.


Go back to that list of things you can do to work towards your goals. Those are where your focus should lie. You want to PR in a race? Make your focus getting in adequate training runs and speed work. Want to achieve a healthy weight? Focus on the number of nutritious meals you eat in a day/week/month and the number of workouts you accomplish? Want to increase blog readership? Focus on producing quality content, getting involved in the community, seeking guest post opportunities, etc.

Checking off what you CAN control and putting effort into those practices regularly WILL lead to results with time. Consider every small act you take towards achieving your goals an accomplishment and don’t forget them along the way. Setbacks will undoubtedly happen at times – boy do I know that from my overcoming binge eating goals – but you have to stay focused on the positive and believe in yourself to continue moving forward.

Step Three: Re-evaluate Often. Step back and look at your progress and ask yourself tons of questions to make sure you are still on a healthy path.

  1. Have your goals changed? How do you need to adapt your actions for them?
  2. Have you achieved your original goal but it doesn’t feel good enough? Why do you feel the need to do more?
  3. Have you tried everything but aren’t seeing results? What ways can you alter your current choices to kick start things again? Seek advice if necessary.
  4. Are you feeling unmotivated suddenly? Remember why you originally pursued the goal and determine if you still feel as strongly. If you do, focus on the why of your goal. If you don’t, consider adjusting your goal or finding new inspirational tools.
  5. Are you going crazy? Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed? Take a close look at what triggers those emotions and resolve those issues. Perhaps you will need to give up counting calories or reading particular blogs or using certain tracking tools.

Stay aware of your needs and your happiness. It will make achieving your goals that much more possible.


There’s the gist of my main points for this topic. I do have about ten million more things I could delve into and talk about. Obviously I feel quite strongly about this topic. I want people to achieve their goals. I want people to dream BIG. I want everyone out there to do exactly the things they hope to do and achieve their wildest hopes and dreams. I think we all have the potential to do so…and to do so in a healthy and happy way. Go get ‘em tiger.


  • Do any numbers “set you off” in a bad way with blogging or health/fitness?What things motivate you in a positive way?
  • Which of the points above stick out to you the most or do you try to focus on in your own personal progress?

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21 Comments to “Go Get ‘Em Tiger: Achieving Your Goals”
  1. Happy Monday Tina! I think the part about breaking down your goals into smaller steps is SO important. I am a total believer in setting yourself up to succeed, so if you break down your goals into small, achievable things, its so much easier to be successful in reaching your longterm goals.

    “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” =)

  2. I’ll admit that I didn’t read through this post like I should, butmainly because I knew what you were saying because I’ve heard it from you and we are sisters and everything…

    but I have to say I love your captions on the pictures! HILARIOUS!

  3. Great post! I agree with what Beth said above, taking your goals in small managable steps, knowing that you can accomplish those, then always moving forward (hopefully) and gaining new goals and perspectives along the way 🙂

  4. I think it is so important to break goals down into steps and write everything down. If I don’t write something down I forget about it and lose motivation!

  5. Jess says:

    Some numbers in my life work for me and keep me motivated (miles ran is fun, or how fast I was able to run xx miles, for ex). In other ways, numbers send me into a tailspin (like the scale). Most of my goals in life are not numbers oriented for that reason – but tend to revolve around an emotion or a feeling that I attach to a goal. Like that half marathon and wanting to run a race I could be proud of (the PR at the end was just the bonus, for real!). Those are the kinds of goals I can truly get behind. 🙂

  6. Lisa says:

    Hi Tina! I am still struggling to get to my “happy weight.” I am so automatic with counting calories. I don’t even have to look at foods, I just know what there nutritional information is!

    I feel like I almost HAVE to count calories in order to lose weight–because I am afraid of trusting myself and that if I don’t count, my weight will skyrocket even more.

    How did you deal with this–as I know you had a similar struggle/mindset? I remember reading you had a range of calories you would try and stick too when you tried to lose the weight after your second (beautiful) baby boy. For me I keep counting over and over in my head to make sure I stay in that range. And, the fact that i’m such a perfectionist probably doesn’t help (if I go over even the slightest bit, I feel like I failed). How do you stay so relaxed about it?! Do you have any advice?

    • Tina says:

      I pretty much broke my calorie range into a breakdown for my standard meals. So, 400-500 calories for B/L/D and two extra 300 or so calorie snacks/treats. Knowing the nutrition of so many foods after years of counting made it easy to eyeball portions for each meal. I would have standard “outlines” and could easily sub things in and out that would fit a calorie range but still allow me to eat intuitively and not feel anal with my choices/tracking. I hope that makes sense.

  7. I always appreciate these types of posts…so encouraging!

    After being “obsessed” with the number on the scale, I started setting my goals based on the distance I ran, the amount of weight I lifted, and the way my clothes fit. I feel MUCH more positive and motivated after I ditched the scale.

  8. Happy Monday! Great tips on goals – I’m all about SMART goals and a huge part of that is ATTAINABLE – so I’m all about breaking them down and making them realistic. No one wants to be discouraged – defeats the purpose. Great point about what you can’t control too.

  9. I definitely have to focus on/let go of the things I cannot control. Especially with health & fitness, there seems to be this inward tension between feeling like I’m fighting my body and figuring out what it means for me to be healthy,

  10. Awesome post! I made my list as I read on! Cannot wait to start checking and re-evaluate to see how far I’ve gotten!!! =]

  11. I easily fall into that scale trap, so I purposely don’t weigh myself. If I do it’s not more than once a month. Instead I try to focus more on how I feel and what my body can do.
    great tips!

  12. Despite my blog’s name, sometimes things are best when I try not to focus on progress. Instead just focus on the exact moment, what I’m doing/eating and whether it’s the best choice to make me the happiest and healthiest person I can be. As long as I’m enjoying myself, happy, and active, I feel successful. Progress follows that, I guess.

    • Tina says:

      Those are great things to do. I agree that taking things moment by moment works wonders for an overall balanced, healthy lifestyle.

  13. The smaller steps point is key for me whether it’s work or personal goals. I’ll seriously overwhelmed if I try to tackle the goal without smaller milestones along the way.
    Focusing on what you can control is the hardest one for me. I know it’s so true but sometimes incredibly hard to accept.

  14. There are things that you think you know, but then you read them and they make way more sense and give you a wake-up call. Your post did that for me just now.
    I’m very goal and action oriented. I don’t like sitting back and letting things happen. Not how I’m wired. However, I tend to sometimes get overly obsessive about things that I cannot control. Instead of trying to control it directly, I need to focus instead on those things that are within my control and setting goals for those, not the others.
    Such a simple suggestion, yet so effective. Thanks!

  15. I love ‘focusing on what you CAN control’.
    I get so stressed in situations when I feel powerless, but focusing on what my nest step should be and what I can do NOW makes me feel so much better. It’s hard to not feel like we have control over everything, but focusing on what we can do does wonders 🙂

    PS- love all the pics of you and the captions- you’re too cute!

  16. Becky says:

    Okay, Tina – you make me smile every day. 🙂 No matter how things are going or how bad I feel, I always smile when I read your blogs or tweets… or see you tiger face 🙂

    As for things that set me off – “forbidden” things. I hate it when I see online friends or bloggers or tweeps talking about how they caved in and indulged in forbidden food of some kind. When I outlaw something I end up eating it in secret or bingeing and generally feeling ashamed. I would rather indulge and enjoy than be secretive and ashamed. I just need to learn how to indulge with control.

  17. peacebeme says:

    I would love to hear more specifics about how you used this approach to overcome binge eating (like your goal-setting specifics, etc). 🙂

  18. Courtney says:

    I love that dress 🙂 and Blue Moon is delicious 🙂 glad you enjoyed another night out to celebrate!

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