I Blog For Fun, But It Sometimes Includes Responsibilities: My Response
I just read one of the best posts that has ever crossed my Google reader from Lisa.
Aka my home-girl, internet soul-mate, long-lost “sister”, and one of my very best friends.
In her post, she shared her deepest thoughts on the Healthy Living Summit. She put it all out there and opened up some great discussion on blogging as a whole and the way bloggers approach their lives and blogging habits.
I read through the comments and nodded along to the wide variety of perspectives people shared. I started to type my own response in a comment there, but then realized I would overtake the comment section quickly and instead opted to post about it here.
Lisa discussed a few main things in her post:
- feeling too caught up in blogging over experiencing the city, conference, and friends
- the pressure of fitting into a blogger box
- no “right” or “wrong” way to blog
- caring about the people
Reading her post was an interesting experience for me. Why? Well, I find myself affected by all aspects of her post and the comments.
I am one of those bloggers that blog often and regularly. I did manage to blog a few times while at the Healthy Living Summit. I pull out the camera frequently and put my fair share of time into blogging. I do these things with a smile on my face. And, for the record, I never once felt bashed by Lisa. I know she knows me well.
I know myself well too. I know that I:
Live First.
Sure, I blog often. But over the past almost two years I have gotten it down to a science. I have figured out the tools that help me blog quickly. I know the ways I can organize my posts so that I can write more effectively. I allow blogging to fit my life and my schedule…not the other way around.
The only reason I have things to blog about is because I go out, make connections, learn lessons, and share life. I simply choose to turn around and use my time to share it here with all of you as well. I appreciate that Lisa emphasized that those she knew kept up blogging (including myself) still had a blast and experienced the conference, including the fun sight-seeing her and I shared!
No “Right” or “Wrong” Way to Blog.
I blog frequently. I post 2-3 times a day. Do you know why? It’s not to fit in a box or because I think I “should”. Oh, heck no! That would send me running in the opposite direction faster than you can say “asparagus”. It’s because I love capturing life and having a place to lay out the things that inhabit my mind. Or my bra.
My writing style prefers the shorter posts. I get overwhelmed trying to put everything I want to share into one post. I hate bypassing moments of life because I don’t feel I have the space to include them in my blog. With Makenzie in school, I decided to take Braedon’s morning naps to blog more.
Some might disagree with that but it’s an outlet for me. It gives me the chance to talk more about things I may have otherwise put off discussing – like my mom’s MS relapse or silly moments with the kids. I will never become a blogger that shares every meal or all the tiny details of my day…and that’s okay.
And it’s also okay if I want to blog more to have more variety on FFF for people to choose what they feel like reading – a motivational, personal post or a goofy, daily life post. It’s what works for me and what I enjoy. I don’t expect readers to catch every post…but I like the idea that you all (my wonderful friends) can have options and I can write what I want. Every blogger has to find that balance for himself or herself.
Sometimes blogging carries responsibilities.
Heather brought this up in the comments. Part of why she attended the conference was to help develop her blog and also the Healthy Living Blogs website. She needed to spend time keeping up with responsibilities related to the work of those two things. I did too.
I attended the conference first and foremost to have fun with my friends. And you bet I did!!! I don’t think anyone can argue me having a good time when you look at all I did:
- Rocking From Moment One – first night in Philly
- Like A Moth To A Flame – bloggers are just drawn to the fro-yo
- Parties, Bachelorette Sightings, & Runs – cocktail party and Ashley + JP sighting
- Top It Off With Champagne & Sushi – Saturday details and a night on the town
However, I also attended the conference to speak, represent Love Grown and their fabulous company, and to broaden the reach of FFF. Why?
My family is number one to me. Peter & I agreed that me staying at home with our kids was very important to us. I stayed home. I fell in love with blogging. Then, only through God’s will, the blog began to grow little by little and allow me the opportunity to do something I love, while still being at home with my children, and also help support my family financially even the smallest bit. I can’t avoid what I feel called to do and know is right for my family & I. So, yes – blogging involves some responsibility and work on my part…but I wouldn’t change that for the world with what it offers me in living out a passion and supporting my family all in one.
I’m going to stop here for now. I actually already had a post in mind for next week that related to the importance and value I put on relationships with blogging. If you attended our panel discussion, it relates to my response to the question from Ashley about the numbers side of blogging. You’ll want to stay tuned for that one!
- Share ANY thoughts you have on this discussion! I’m looking forward to reading them!