Love Is In The Air
Posted: June 4, 2010 at 6:00 pmHallelujah it’s Friday! I don’t know why Fridays are still so exciting to me, but they are. Even more exciting is I don’t have much going on this weekend besides a fun lunch date with Lindsey tomorrow. I do like being busy with fun activities on the weekend, but since I know the next 3 (likely 4) weekends are going to be chock full, I want to take advantage of the down time. What are your plans for the weekend?
Last night was our special night. We went out to celebrate our three year wedding anniversary. I’m very thankful for a mom who lives close by and can handle the Mster while we’re out. She was happy to have time with her Nana.
For our date, we opted to keep it simple since we were both tired and figured it would be smarter to save a splurgier dinner out for when we’re in Daytona and it’s on my G-Pa. He gives every married couple $100 to go out on him one night down there. Smart move, wouldn’t you say? 😉
For our chill anniversary date we hit up my all time favorite Mexican joint – Cheeky.
Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways. One…would be for their chips and salsa.
The BEST salsa out there. No joke! I am very particular about my salsa and this stuff amazes me every time. It is so fresh and the perfect combo of chunky, but still saucy. I think my entire dinner could be right there.
Two…would be for the two fish tacos I ordered. I have mentioned before that the only way I eat fish is either in sushi form or in Cheeky fish taco form. I don’t know how they do it, but they do it well.
Yes, that would be two FRIED fish tacos. I have no shame. 😀 Along with a bowl of refried beans. Even those are more tasty than normal. Another thing I adore about Cheeky? Their portions aren’t insane. Those two fish tacos are actually pretty small compared to the standard you would find in other Mexican joints. And the beans were maybe a 3/4 c serving? I ate most of my plate and was perfectly satisfied. I really don’t think I have been gaining much of anything so far in the pregnancy…and I credit that to eating appropriate portions of food. I know I’m not eating at the top of my health game, but I’m still not overeating. I am still mindful and definitely don’t live by the “eating for two so I stuff my face” rule. My clothes still fit the same and I still wake up with a normal looking (aka not bloated to high heavens) stomach. That’s all I can go by though, since I refuse to worry about weight even when pregnant. It’s all good to me. 🙂
After such a delightful dinner, we opted to hang out awhile and walk around the shopping area in which the restaurant is located.
It’s a beautiful little area with plenty of flowers, waterfalls, benches, statues, and of course stores. Including one of my favorites that I sadly had to pass on by.
We managed to entertain ourselves for awhile in a couple of stores. One was called Charming Charlie and had tons of interesting jewelry and accessories. As well as some of the cutest little girl stuff that I would love to buy M.
Another stop that entertained us for awhile was the Barnes & Noble. I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I can get lost in a book store for a long time. I perused the shelves and snapped pictures of books I want to find at my library to read. I think that might be frowned upon, now that I think about it. LOL
I also found a book that I will NOT be picking up, library or otherwise…
The Doodles Diet. This would be a diet book that gives you a bunch of “placemats” that show you how to DRAW some of those indulgent foods (like french fries, ice cream, chocolate cake) instead of eating them. That is just ridiculous!!! I think if I tried to draw my favorite foods instead of eating them I would just end up more frustrated by my lack of artistry and then still hungry from my placemat full of food I can’t eat because, after all, paper is NOT on my diet. HOW did this book get published???!!!!
After being thoroughly confused by the above, I chose to pull out a coupon for a BOGO Gelato instead of a pencil for creating my own “ice-cream”. We topped the night off with a delightful sweet treat. I ordered a small Cappuccino gelato that was the perfect size.
It’s literally a 1/2 cup serving, but takes forever to eat thanks to the little spoon you get with your cup. Perfection! It’s true that if you eat slower and more mindfully the food is more satisfying. So with a happy tummy, and even happier heart from knowing how blessed I am to have Peter in my life, I headed home to dive into dreamland next to the man of my dreams. The date was just our style.
- What is your favorite thing to do on a date?
- What do you think are important things in a successful relationship? I think friendship, understanding, support, forgiveness, and allowing each other to be your own person are vital. I also think both of us having a deep faith in God strengthens our bond a lot as well.
- What is the wackiest diet you have ever heard of?
Tags: dining out, dinner, marriage
Congrats on celebrating three years! And I’m glad you had a great date- Mexican is always a good choice in my book. One day a boy will have to be sure to know this… 😉
Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary! I think so many things make a relationship work but I have learned that laughter is the best medicine. When you stop laughing it isn’t good. 🙂
Happy Anniversary!! I have GOT to go to Cheeky and order that exact same meal!! I’ll have to talk Andrew into taking me sometime soon. Looks like something I would LOVE.
My favorite thing to do on a date? EAT! haha! 😉 Seriously, some of our most romantic dates are when we’re in the kitchen cooking together or going out to a delicious restaurant.
That Doodles Diet is insane. I’ve never heard of that. Ugh, I hope nobody actually spends money on that ridiculous book.
Have a wonderful weekend my sweet friend!! 🙂
Haha that doodles diet made me crack up.. are you for real?!?! It’s like Harold the Purple Crayon meets Dr. Atkins. Or something. 😉
I LOVE picnics with the chico.. or bike rides. Or picnic rides. Anything involving being outdoors is awesome, although movie nights with takeout are good too! Communication is a big deal for me… really big deal.
haha, the doodle diet, that’s great. Would never work for me. I’d draw something then want to go out and eat it!
Favorite things to do on a date…eat and drink 🙂 Just spending quality time is great.
Happy anniversary!!!!!
dont you love going into ritzy clothing stores for little girls and seeing the SUPER Adorable stuff?! who buys it though? i wish it were me 🙂
lindsay meetup…fun!!
date night fun? just having a date would be amazing 🙂
That is such a ridiculous book!
I always have a thing with going to a seafood restaurant on the ocean at sunset. I always go to a few places with my parents and its so great. I would love to go with a date and talk for hours.
aww! 🙂 Your date night sounds a lot like mine! It is truly always wonderful when your with the man God made for you! 🙂
That picture of Makenzie is adorable!
Congrats on celebrating 3 years! 🙂
Congratulations on 3 years 🙂 You seem to have such a special relationship….wonderful to see. I think being able to have fun together and laugh together, even during stressful times, is the key to a solid relationship. My husband can make me laugh even when I feel lousy 🙂
Happy Anniversary! Looks like a fun night. Whenever I get Mexican food, I think the salsa is definitely the best part.
I’m trying to figure out where in Atlanta you live. It’s somewhere that I’m not familiar with because I never recognize any of the restaurants.
Awwww congrats on your anniversary!!! So sweet!!
I think honestly and trust are VITAL in a relationship. If you can’t trust the other person, it makes everything a lot more difficult.
Congrats! M looks so cute- and that tutu-esque dress would be perfect! Looks like you had LOTS of fun! I too get lost in bookstores-ask anyone. The Doodles Diet is crazy and WAY too far-out. I feel sorry for whoever purchased that book. 🙁 That gelato cup looks really cute, am I the only onewho thinks so?
I have never been on a date, I’m too young and it’s forbidden until I’m a tad older…
I think laughter, faith, and the ability to be yourself are the most important. (I read a lot of books)
Wackiest diet ever- THE DOODLE DIET!!! (sorry whoever wrote that book)
Happy anniversary 😀 What a cute dyae:)
Doodle diet?! PLEASE! That sounds ridiculous! lol
oops…date, not dyae..hmmm. lol
Aw, looks like a great date! I like to mix things up, as far as dates go. Last night, we went to a local farmers market to pick up an easy (and healthy!) dinner, then rented movies. Sometimes we go grocery shopping, to the library, for a walk, or we cook together. I think a great date is just generally low-key for us, because often the week has been packed and we just want to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.
The things that I like about our relationship (and that make it work) are mutual support and respect, a solid friendship, communication (my husband is a lot better at this than I am), assuming the best of each other (still working on this one!). We are generally each other’s favorite person, and we try to work as a team.
There are probably many more factors that go into a great relationship, but at 3 years of marriage, that’s where we’re at, at the moment.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Chill dates are the best kind in my opinion. I love hanging out at a favorite restaurant instead of spending a ton of money, just because we feel like we have to! Chips and salsa hit the spot every time.
Random question, have you tried the Cheesecake Factory Fish Tacos? They are the best I’ve ever had!
Sounds like a fun date to me! And I adore gelato! Too bad you can’t get it anywhere around here :< Congrats on 3 years!!! **And what a crazy, dumb book!** ha. Seriously. If that got published, I can write something.
Ahhhh chips and salsa. Love. Love. LOVE. Looks like a delicious meal.
Ha ha ha!!! That diet looks ridiculous but I’ll give it points for being a clever quirky little idea. I really do hope they are being cheeky though. If they are being serious it’s almost downright insulting. Yeeesh.
Successful relationship? For us it’s our shared faith first. Next its probably are commitment to transparency with each other and a sincere effort to put each other first. It also doesn’t hurt that we share most of the same interests. We love almost all the same things. It’s almost weird but it works out great for us.
Happy three year anniversary! It sounds like you had the perfect celebration. 🙂
That’s awesome you are not worrying about weight during pregnancy because I’m sure that will be healthier for the baby! That doodle diet sounds so ridiculous but I bet you anything some people buy into it!
Happy anniversary 🙂 those fish facos look amazing. rubio’s and whoo fish taco out in california make really amazing ones too. so good.
i just got caught up on your blog and want to say how much i admire and respect you for the not nowing your weight during pregnancy–i think that’s great. i am trying to give up the scale myself right now and it is really hard but hope i can get to that point.
Ah, what a fun date! Congrats on your anniversary- hope the celebrations continued into your weekend! I totally judge Mexican restaurants based on the quality of their salsa…hehe. I love restaurants that give reasonable portions too. Few and far between these days.
That doodle diet sounds…insane. Though I think a doodle placemate could be kind of fun! I used to love restaurants that had those when I was a kid and I could draw while waiting for my food 😀
What is your favorite thing to do on a date? Dinner and coffee and long talks/random walks. Or something active like roller-blading is a good laugh.
What do you think are important things in a successful relationship? Mutual respect and a sense of humous is top of my list! As well as shared interests and similar passions.
What is the wackiest diet you have ever heard of? I came across a diet earlier (Warrior Diet, maybe?) where you just eat all your calories at night. The babyfood diet is also pretty weird!
LOL the doodles diet sounds absolutley absurd!! I have speak softly she can hear – it was pretty good! I still loving the movies – I think it’s so fun to date there or at the bowling alley!
I’m no expert, but it seems to me that you’re eating just the way a pregnant woman should! While I do believe that women should make sure to eat healthily while pregnant, I feel like some women have been going overboard with it lately. It seems as though up until lately the *last* thing women cared about when they were pregnant was their weight. Now all of the sudden there are pregnancy-specific workouts, diets, etc. Whatever happened to being able to give-in to (usually strange) cravings while pregnant? 😛 And I mean, my mom ate for two and gained 50 pounds with me, but I turned out just fine!
As far as relationships go, that’s another area where I’m certainly not an expert. But based on some personal experience, I’ve come to realize how important *chemistry* truly is. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t believe that chemistry alone will insure a lasting, healthy relationship. But I really feel like there has to be that crucial connection between a man and a woman. I know that many people say how the “passion” fades the longer you’re married, but to be blunt – I think that’s crap! My parents have been married for 30 years and are still madly in love with each other. I can only hope that I’m blessed with a relationship like that….soon 😀
Happy Anniversary!! 😀 Looks like you guys had a great time…and that’s so cute that dinner was on your G-Pa! 😉
I love date nights…especially if they involve ice cream 🙂
I’ve never heard of Cheekys but I know Loft has been having great sales lately (or so they email me telling me so just about every day). Your sweet girl is too cute with her smile and curls!
PS: I like the doodle idea haha maybe not as a diet and maybe only as a joke though
Happy anniversary!!! Sounds like you had the perfect date night to celebrate it, too. And bonus – you get to celebrate it again when you’re on vaca! I’m so happy you two have found what it takes to make a relationship hum along quite nicely. I’d agree with your list of “what makes it work” and would add that being able to balance eachother out is important too, and being able to laugh together, cook together, and sweat together are fun to have in a relationship too 🙂
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you guys had such a fun night =) Love the gelato!
Congrats on three years! What a great G-pa!?!?! I’d wait and do a big date on him too. I love Mexican so your date would be perfect for me anyway!
Congrats on 3 years! How exciting!!
My perfect date is really anything the hubby and I can do alone. On saturday we spent the day biking around kelley’s island park and that had to be up there with one of the best dates we’ve had!
As far as diets…the one you just mentioned is pretty much the craziest! Drawing your cravings? Strange. So strange. haha
ps. getting that post to you this afternoon!!
Happy Anniversary! That’s so exciting.
And that diet- holy heck. Thats horrible. Id rather eat than draw any day of the week! :).
Happy belated Anniversary, Tina!! It looks like the perfect date night.
Gosh, I am with you…..HOW in the world does a book like that get published?!?!
Looks like fun! Something that’s important in a relationship is communication. Without it, you have nothing!
I think if I were pregnant I would go to a dietitian to give me a proper diet. Otherwise I would probably use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever the hell I wanted. You have great willpower, Good for you!
Congrats to the both of you 🙂
Adorable picture of M- what a cutie!!!
And that Doodle Diet- WHAT THE HECK?! That is one of the strangest things I have ever heard- lol!
My answers to your questions:
1. Favorite date night: dinner then Froyo- exactly what you guys did 🙂
2. Important in a relationship: Honestly & trust. & of course L-O-V-E!
3. Craziest diet: that cayanee pepper diet- with lemon juice- EW.