Posted: June 7, 2010 at 5:11 pmHappy Monday!! This is actually a Monday I am excited about, because it is the start of our vacation weeks. We leave early early early on Thursday morning to drive up to Indiana for the weekend so we can visit some of our wonderful friends. I simply cannot wait! The only sad thing about it though, is after tomorrow’s post it is the kick-off of lots of absenteeism on my part. 🙁
I’ll be posting tonight (obviously as you are reading it now), tomorrow, and then Monday – Wednesday next week…and that’s it until the last two days of June. It’s really going to be July in the blink of an eye for me. I’m cool with that because I know time flies when you’re having fun and that is what I fully plan on doing on both my vacations. Plus, I have some awesome guest posts lined up for you during my long hiatus. The break is going to do me some good because it has admittedly been hard cranking posts out for me anyways during the first trimester. I seem to be getting headaches really easily and being in front of the computer seems to be a trigger. That is why I took a full blogging break over the weekend. I just couldn’t manage! I feel like such a poo-poo blogger lately. Not cool. BUT another good thing is I will be basically finito with the first trimester after my vacations and saying sionara to the crazy hormone surges, so I will feel a million times better and back to the normal goings on that typically make up Faith, Fitness, Fun. I hope you all can be patient with me. I know the genuine readers and followers will be and I thank you immensely for that. 🙂
Since we got that out of the way and I rambled on for way too long, I guess I should finally get to my weekend. It consisted of many things in “twos”.
Saturday morning I went to the gym with Peter because I promised him I would go to spot him for benching two 100 lb dumbbells. I wasn’t feeling up for much of a workout, so I told myself I would walk on the treadmill at an incline for 20 minutes with my book. I ended up going two times as long and felt great afterwards. I even finished book number two of the week.
Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts. I don’t typically care for Nora Roberts’ books, but the Bride Quartet series is actually reasonably entertaining. They are just super chicky, lighthearted, feel-good reads and I enjoy them well enough. Definitely not the best out there or even something I would highly recommend, but good for a fast and girly book.
After the gym, I showered and got ready quickly to head out for the two hour drive to meet Lindsey at a good halfway point for our last lunch get-together for awhile. We got a table for two at a Mexican restaurant called El Sombrero. I indulged in chips + salsa and ordered a combo that came with two enchiladas (one chicken + one bean), a beef hard taco, and rice.
The taco was a little dry and the chicken in the enchilada stopped appealing to me halfway through, but that bean enchilada was great. I left the meal quite content in the tummy. It was great to see Lindsey again for another two hour visit and to chat with such an awesome lady. I’ll miss seeing her regularly, but I’m so happy for her to be moving back to a place she loves.
When I got home Saturday afternoon I took two hours to unwind before heading over to my bro & sis in laws place for dinner. They invited us and I’m not about to give up a night of no cooking! Unfortunately, very little of what she made agreed with me and my crazy food aversions. I ended up eating two small smoked pork sandwiches and that’s it.
I was ready to call it an early night afterwards, so I headed home and went right to bed. Yes, it was only 9:00 on a Saturday, but I was craving sleep. I apparently needed it, because I slept in for two hours, getting a grand total of 11 hours of sleep. It was very refreshing. I even skipped Sunday school (since I have this month off from teaching the class) and just went to the worship service.
Yesterday’s service was about a table for two as well and focused on two things we should always do before taking the communion (eating the bread and drinking the grape juice wine that represents Jesus’ sacrifice). 1 = Remember his death. Remember that it was grueling, agonizing, torturous, and horrible…but He still did it for us. Always remember.And 2 = examine yourself before participating. Consider things in your life that you may need to work on, things you may need to confess and ask God for His help, things that God has blessed you with. Examine yourself so you can approach the table for two (you & Jesus) so he can use the experience to work in your life and continue changing it for the better. It was a very moving service. I may have shed a tear or two. I can’t help but for emotions to overwhelm me when hormonal considering what God has done for me.
This has gone on long enough so I will wrap it up. The rest of Sunday was a two hour nap (yes even after sleeping 11 hours), two wonderful meals (a sandwich + soup lunch and some pizza for dinner), a two hour episode of So You Think You Can Dance, and enjoying two amazing flavors in a small Strawberry Golden Oreo blizzard. Oh yes…I went there!
- What was the highlight of your weekend? Mine is a tie between lunch with Lindsey and that Blizzard treat. I do have a post coming tomorrow to show you that I am eating reasonably healthy things a fair amount of the time and not JUST going out to eat. Although I do know this past week had a LOT of going out in it.
- Do you ever feel weird/bad for not blogging per your regular blogging schedule? I don’t really feel bad and I don’t believe I’m so important that people miss hearing from me for a few days, but I do know it is going to be odd to not be blogging like normal for such a long period of time.
- Are you a napper? I am NOT a napper…except when pregnant. Then I could easily nap my day away.
Tags: blog friends, dessert, dining out, faith
hahaha i thought you were going to say you found out you were having twins!!! let’s see, best part of my weekend was watching Avatar with good friends 🙂 i actually am going to have to start posting only once a day, which kind of freaks me out (yikes!)…and i am most definitely a napper. I love them 🙂
Hey Tina! 🙂 That mexican meal looks so good. I could eat mexican food every single day… easily!
Glad you’re listening to your body and getting lots of good rest!! I don’t normally nap, but Friday I laid down at 2:30 just thinking I would close my eyes and when I woke up it was 5:00!!!!!! That is unheard of for me!! haha!! 😉
I haven’t been posting at all lately on my blog and I don’t really feel bad about it b/c I’ve been staying involved in the community by commenting as much as possible. Just haven’t had much inspiration lately to get back in the blogging groove… I’ll be back soon though I think! 😉
I hope you have a great trip! Yes, I do feel very weird for not keeping up with blogs or even thinking about missing a post while on vacation. I’m trying to be more relaxed about it and not reply to every comment and comment on every blog post I normally read…’s hard though,
No wonder that Blizzard was the highlight of your weekend, it looks amazing! And I only like naps when I am running on very very few hours of sleep. A good 30 minute catnap wakes me right up!
My hubby has been DYING for that blizzard! We live right near a DQ – temptation!
Have an awesome vacation although I am going to MISS YOU!!!! 🙁
ahhhhhhh the wonders of summer… i have to get a blizzard some time soon! 🙂 have a great time!!!
Weekend highlight- Grand Old Days, a carnival where they shut down a very busy street.
I really want DQ after seeing that blizzard 🙂
Have a great time on vacation, enjoy it!
I LOVE naps… I think they’re necessary to make me feel young. 😉
So jealous of your vacay plans! :p But I’m sure they’re well deserved and you’re going to have so much fun!
I think that Blizzard look deliccciouss. I don’t feel weird taking a few days off from blogging. But I miss your posts when you’re away for a few days!!
enjoy your break! we are moving in the morning and i will be using a couple pre-scheduled posts and then wingin it for the next half week or week 🙂
enjoy your trip!
It has been way too long since I’ve had mexican – yours looks great! Hilight of my weekend was my sister’s birthday!
Im leaving for Indiana on Thursday too! Wedding at Notre Dame.
Isn’t that the BEST when you go longer than planned? Good work on going twice as long on the tread.
I dont feel bad for not blogging. I know “life” is more important than sitting at a comp. I do still take pics though and just do a recap. I like blogging in general though. I love reading others blogs and sharing thoughts. Its such a good “diary” for me to re-read posts too!!
Vacation week is so exciting! I’ll have to check out that Nora Roberts book. I’m always up for some good chick lit!
I want a blizzard! I am getting one as soon as I get home. Even though I will be FREEZING.
Glad you get to travel, I hope you have a nice break away and that it is relaxing at times as well.
I wish I could blog more. I feel like I am in a place where I could make my blog something good, but that I can´t because I don´t have the technology or whatnot to devote to it, aka it takes two full days at work to upload enough pictures for a post. But on the other hand I think its good, because if I was blogging seriously, I might get caught up in that, and I know the real world always needs to remain much more important.
Have fun on vacay!!! I’m jealous. We’re hoping to get away for a “babymoon” in September 🙂 Glad you got a blizzard! Although the mexican platter looks more appealing to me ;> Can’t wait to see who’s lined up to guest post! Hope you’re hangin in there with the MS.
Indeed, lots of 2’s! The mexican food looks delicious! I am ready for lunch a little too early today, I guess! I hope you have a wonderful time on your week off!
I know what you mean about not blogging at your regular time, but life gets in the way at times! What can you do!?
I LOVE that Nora Roberts series! I usually don’t care for her books either but I’ve enjoyed those. I’m currently reading that one right now actually!
I’ve felt like a bad blogger lately too but you know what? I’ve been enjoying life and actually LIVING. There’s more to life than blogging. And I refuse to feel bad about that. If my page views go down a bit, well that’s the price you pay.
My weekend was awesome!!! I’m not sure if the highlight was going tubing on Saturday or Sunday night with my boy… OK, I pick Sunday night. But they were both equally amazing 🙂
you went there!! i’m so jealous right now, but I’m glad you enjoyed your weekend!
My weekend highlight: Kelley’s Island with the hubby and getting back on a bicycle!
I DO feel bad when I don’t meet my regular blogging schedule but since I don’t have that many people following me…I suppose it’s not a huge issue haha
i used to be a napper in college bc I would stay up so late…but now that I go to bed at a reasonable house, I haven’t really needed naps. 🙂
Oh my goodness – I had a mint oreo blizzard this weekend, too! You know, it tasted DARN good. I started to feel a twinge of guilt at first, then shut down that thought completely….Blizzards –> always worth it! Glad you got to enjoy one, too. 🙂
You DO have a very busy month! You’re coming to my stomping grounds just when I’m leaving. 🙁 I hope you have a good time in the Hoosier state, though!
I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and what you heard on taking communion. I do really try to examine myself before I take it and really reflect on where I am and where I am going with my life and making sure that it revolves around God. We often forget the great sacrifice that Jesus did for us and so communion is always a wonderful way to remember what he suffered and it makes our own suffering seem so insignificant…As far as naps go, I love them! It’s a given that every Sunday I take about a 2 hour nap. I don’t know what it is, but I am always so tired after Sunday lunch. And as far as blogging regularly goes, I have never been on a schedule of posting daily. I usually wait until a topic sparks my interest or I have something important to share to make a post about it. But I do miss yours when you skip a few days! 🙂
I’m gonna miss you when you are gone!
To answer some of your questions…
1. highlight of my weekend…hmm, probably getting to hold my friend’s baby and actually get her to stop crying. That’s a first for me.
2. Naw, I don’t feel bad when I don’t blog. I used to be afraid that I’d lose readers, but I know the good readers will be back. Sometimes breaks are really nice.
I am glad you are getting a good break! Enjoy it and live it up…can’t wait to hear all about it once you are back.
Sounds like a wonderful church service 😀
What was the highlight of your weekend? The weekend feels so long ago now- haha! Saturday was fabulous weather and going out with my mom for iced coffee was great.
Do you ever feel weird/bad for not blogging per your regular blogging schedule? I try not to, but I do…
Are you a napper? If you asked me 2 weeks ago, I would have said no. Since I injured my leg and have been resting a lot more, my body just wants to sleep sometimes!
I love a lil nap now and then 🙂
I’ve been seeing that blizzard on TV…it’s staring me down! lol
There are some weeks where I must take a nap every day… like this week. But other weeks I have boundless energy until I crash at 9 or 10pm haha
[…] pulled a Tina today and did more than I expected to do! Remember how I was b*tching about not being able to do […]
I forgot to update my google reader and was wondering where your posts went! glad I found you again