no excuses

Posted: July 27, 2010 at 6:10 pm

Wow! Thank you for all the responses to my last post. Learning so many wonderful things that help make you you puts joy in my heart. I truly consider each of you a friend and knowing the intricacies that make you all tick helps me feel that friendship grow. Love! Check out the comments to find and hear about other awesome bloggers.

In accordance with one of my pet peeves I shared yesterday, today had me considering the areas in my life where no excuses are allowed. My day began with the chance to make excuses, but I quickly decided that was not possible. Then it just continued from there.

There are no excuses…for not spending at least 15 minutes in the presence or reflection of God. Makenzie woke me waaaayyyy too early (more on that in a bit) and robbed me of my quiet morning time when I typically read my Bible and pray. It would be easy to just push those 3 short chapters of reading back until tomorrow, but that is not an option. God created me; He sent Jesus to die for me; He forgives me for oh so many things he really shouldn’t. How can I say no to spending time with Him? Especially when it starts my day on the right foot? I totally notice a difference without that time.

There are no excuses…not to eat tofu on a regular basis. It is delicious. No doubt about it. Last night, when the hubs, the lil sis, the baby, and I hit up a fave local Chinese joint I knew tofu would appear before me and thrill my stomach.


Yum, yum in my tum tum. And then this came in the mail. Solidifying tofu as a regular meal in our house.


There are no excuses…not to dance with a tiara. Oh the things you will do as a mother to bring a smile to your kid’s face. And to humiliate yourself in the blogger world. The worst part of it? That little sucker hurts!!!


There are no excuses…for charging an arm and a leg for polka dotted party plates.


I’m throwing my friend’s lingerie shower in a month. She wants black and hot pink with polka dots. Yea…$6 per 8 pack of plates or napkins later is not a pretty thing.

There are no excuses…for not clicking THIS LINK! Okay, okay. I realize that is low, but I worked hard on my next article and just a click means the world. Purrrrttttyyyy please?! It’s about massage and pregnancy.

There are no excuses…for not loving your body. You are a fabulous creation, with unique qualities and things that make you beautiful. Love you for who you are! You deserve that joy and happiness. Also, pick up things like this gem that you happen to find while out for some errands.


I definitely bought it. I think Caitlin is fabulous and I want to support her and the message Operation Beautiful shares. I can’t wait to read it!

There are no excuses…for not being organized. I also picked up a tabbed notebook today to help organize all my random blog, article, and to-do list thoughts. My previous mini spiral had serious issues.


There are no excuses…for not getting in a workout when you have no good reason to skip. M’s early wakeup call this morning came because she is a bit under the weather. That meant skipping the gym for me. I have no problem missing workouts if I physically don’t feel up to it, or simply cannot fit it into my day. Neither of those applied today. So no gym meant I pulled out this bad boy.


Yes, that would be a huge old-school CD case packed with my fitness DVDs. I have way too many. Wait. Take that back. I don’t have enough, seeing as Insanity and TurboFire are missing in this collection. This little pouch will be my best friend post baby when most of my workouts are at home. Or in days like today, where a Chalene TurboJam Cardio Party fills in for the gym.

You can always make excuses. And you can also always choose to ignore them. Choose wisely. 😉

  • What do you not accept excuses from yourself over?
  • What is the worst excuse you have ever given? I think mine would be not returning a homework assignment to my class and telling them “the dog ate their homework”. Sadly, it was true. How ironic is that? LOL

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50 Comments to “no excuses”
  1. My dog always used to tear up papers when she was a puppy, so she literally DID eat my homework many times! I used that excuse a lot. 😉

    • Tina says:

      I had a kid who used that excuse every day. After it happened to me I couldn’t discount him anymore. LOL

  2. i’m going with there’s no excuse to not be organized as my favorite…except that i’m not and i try to make excuses all the time 🙂 i fully plan on getting a planner soon though! 🙂

  3. I don’t allow excuses for not getting in a workout (unless my body needs a rest day and that’s not an excuse really).

  4. Meg says:

    My hubby is in the army where excuses are unacceptable. I used to be the queen of excuses but he’s taught me that I only get in my own way when I make excuses. It’s taught me to take ownership of my actions more and just get things done.

  5. I also love me some Chalene (she’s a fitness goddess) and Chinese tofu (how do they make it taste so magical?!)! I also have a notebook to jot down blog ideas, information and to-do lists. Great minds must think alike! 🙂

    I absolutely will not allow myself to make the excuse not to exercise. 9 times out of 10, exercising helps me feel better than before.

    Lol@ the teaching excuse. I’ve had something similar happen. I couldn’t return some papers because I spilled coffee ALL OVER them. It was too nasty! I told my class that the “coffee monster” destroyed the papers (note: I taught college freshman so they got a good laugh at my ridiculousness).

  6. Madeline - Greens and Jeans says:

    My best excuse was probably a meeting I missed when I was in college and I blamed it on not changing my watch for daylight savings, when in actuality I was just eating lunch with a friend…

  7. homecookedem says:

    You know I will not only click, but read each of your pregnancy articles!! 🙂

    I almost made the excuse not to exercise today, but then after dinner made the choice to ask Andrew to go on a walk with me. We had a great walk and talked about baby names! So fun!! 🙂 No final decision yet, but I think we’re getting closer!!

  8. Allie says:

    I should stop making excuses and try to eat more tofu too! I just wish I knew how to cook it. I checked out your fitness photo, darn girl you sure know how to get ripped! Can’t wait to read your blog 🙂

  9. Lauren says:

    This is very thought provoking!
    I definitely make excuses for not loving my body…that one really hit home for me. I constantly have to remind myself that I shouldn’t see myself in such a negative way, and I do tend to make excuses like “but it really is true! Why bother trying to change my thinking?”
    This is not helpful at all and is only detrimental to all aspects of my health. It is something that I’m working on though. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂
    I’m so happy I found your blog, it’s wonderful!!!

  11. I can’t wait to get Operation Beautiful either!

    I have no excuses not to realize how lucky and blessed I am.

    and my darling, you make a beautiful princess.

  12. Congratulations on your article! It was great!

    I think there is no excuse for not doing at least a little bit of physical activity each day. Even if it is just parking in the back of the lot at the grocery store! Something is better than nothing!

  13. i’m sorry if i seem to not be paying attention to the task at hand (the questions you’ve posed)…but…

    1)please please post a review of the tofuXpress! i’ve been toying with the idea of purchasing one for so long now!
    2)check your target dollar bin for matching pink/black and white polka dot cards! I don’t know if they will be of use, but i recently picked a pack up to use as “thank you” notes, for when the time comes! they are super cute, match those plates exactly…and hellllllo, only $1!
    3)i<3cardio party.

    • Tina says:

      Oh thanks for the tip on the notecards. I may have to get those and give them to my friend for thank you notes as a nice host gesture or something else.

      And there will certainly be a TofuXpress review coming sometime in the next week. I don’t have any tofu to cook this week, but tofu will be made all the time now that I was sent one of those babies to review!

  14. Heather says:

    I agree with Janna’s request, please post a review of the tofuXpress! I think it looks like such a neat product.

    I no longer accept excuses not to work out…except today because my leg hurt so I think that’s acceptable. 🙂

  15. I make excuses every day to not love my body or perhaps more importantly, not view myself or treat myself the way that God sees me, as someone beautiful and strong and with a big heart with the capacity to love. I treat myself like an enemy. There are NO EXCUSES for that… and NO EXCUSES to spend time worrying about what other people think or where you aren´t good enough, because life is TOO SHORT and God is good!

    • Tina says:

      And besides…the only thing that matters is God’s view of you. Which is the beautiful and wonderful person you are.

  16. Shannon says:

    I don’t allow myself to make excuses about exercise either because I know how much better I feel afterwar, if if I am not feeling it going in. Sometimes, my body needs a break, but most of the time, I am just feeling lazy, so I stop negotiating with myself and just put on the workout clothes….getting dressed to workout is half the battle!

  17. Stacey says:

    Ouch! Good morning, reality check, nice to see you! ha! I am the queen of excuses and needed a good kick in the tail. Thanks.
    If I didn’t have a notebook with tabs my life would go out of control! Our calendar and my to-do lists are one section, another set of calendar sand recipes to plan our dinners for the month are another section and then I printed calendars to plan my workouts better in another section. My littlest one used to be ok but had started freaking out in the childcare. After two weeks of 10 minute workouts before they’d come get to take her home I finally got my membership put on hold. Trying to come up with a new routine at home has me full of excuses. How about pull out a Jillian DVD and get to it! Maybe someday I will get back in there and we’ll run into each other again!
    At home with two little ones I try to remind myself that there are no excuses to not enjoy this phase of life. I may be tired, my house may sometimes be a mess but we’re all healthy and (if this mama stays calm and laughing) our days can be a lot of fun. Maybe I just need to borrow my daughter’s tiara more. Heck, maybe I’ll throw on the tiara and tutu one day and take a picture of that!
    Congrats on your new job! That is awesome!

    • Tina says:

      Oh no! I have been keeping an eye out for you so let me know if you end up making it back anytime soon. Best to take care of the kiddos though.

      And my house is never as neat as I would like it because I realized that isn’t what really matters. Now I focus more on just being with M and other things I am passionate about. Much more rewarding.

  18. I pretty good with excuses, I used to say the excuse ‘I’ve worked hard so I deserve that cookie’ now I say to myself I’ve worked hard so I deserve to fill my body with good quality healthy food’ I don’t accept any excuses for not working out unless I’m pretty ill!

    Thanks for stopping at my blog the other day, I’m enjoying your tweets too! x

  19. hey Tina-thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 I’m gonna follow you on Twitter….I’m HippieChristian 🙂
    i love what i see here on your blog!! i gotta run to VBS and Bible Study, so i’ll probably come back later and read/write more!
    have a great day 🙂

  20. The worst excuse I ever gave was to myself. I wanted to “treat” myself for having lost weight by eating way too much of the wrong kinds of foods. I told myself “I deserved it.”

  21. There is no excuse… to not cheer for the Georgia Bulldogs! 😉

    Of course I’m a dawgs fan!! I graduated from UAG is 2006 and had some of the best times of my life while I was there… ah… college!

    Cute post!!

    • Tina says:

      We were there for some of the same time then. I can’t wait for football season to start again! Do you still live in the GA area?

  22. This sounds like the kind of thing I’d tell my husband:

    There are no excuses for throwing your dirty clothes on the floor next to the hamper instead of in the hamper.

    There are no excuses for leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight.

    There are no excuses for stopping at McDonald’s when your wife packed you a healthy lunch.

    For me, there really are no excuses for putting off today what needs to be done. I hate procrastination.

    PS. I’m following you on Twitter now, too. 🙂

  23. Jennifer says:

    This was a good reminder for me. I don’t always make up excuses for things, but when I do, it seems to last for a few days and it all goes down hill. But you are right about having an excuse creeping up on you and then deciding to not let it happen. I need to read my Bible more, but the funny thing is, I don’t have a single excuse. I just don’t do it as much as I should. I’ll go through times when I spend so much time in the word, then I just peek. But I reading your thoughts about it, even if it’s just 15 minutes or less is the least that I can give.

    • Tina says:

      I think the biggest hindrance is thinking to do “enough” as a “good” Christian. Every little bit matters and helps bring us closer. I know I used to think if I couldn’t spend at least 30 minutes reading or praying then God didn’t want it. Now I always make sure to take some time, and then it usually leads to more because it just puts my heart in a place of praise.

  24. I read your article, great job!

    I try not to make excuses for things I do. Sometimes I do when I go shopping, but if I make an excuse I usually return it because I didn’t have a good reason to buy it!

  25. I always love your posts, but they’ve been extra fun and insightful lately! 😉

    I think there are no excuses for not saying thank you every day – to God, to family and friends, to strangers who hold the door for me. Every single day the words “thank you” should come out of my mouth.

    • Tina says:

      Aw, thanks! I have actually been praying more for the blog and just for me to be open to the messages God wants me to share. Doesn’t have to always be faith intensive, but just something positive for the women I care for out there. I just go with what He gives me.

      And yes! Thank you is such an important thing to say and be mindful of every single day.

  26. Nichole says:

    I am following your posts on Examiner, keep it up. Even if I’m not great with child, I definitely like hearing about the joys, lol:)

    There are no excuses for not clicking your link, and they are no excuses for people who are jerks. Can’t people learn to be sweet to each other, tired of people with lousy attitudes. I have no time for negativity!

    Worst excuse – we broke a light as a kid and I told my mom the bulb busted bc it got too hot. 🙂

  27. Thanks for the kick in the pants. I use too many excuses!

    The article was great! Good job!

  28. I guess we both had “excuse making” on the mind this week. I really need to focus on not making excuses. Great post!

  29. Lindsay says:

    You really had a dog eat your homework??? How funny! This is just what I needed to hear today to get off my butt and stop making excuses!

    Awesomeeeeeee job on the article!!!!

  30. caitlin says:

    thank you so much!!! 🙂

  31. lindsay says:

    I hear ya on the excuses. Its all about priorities and what is important to us. GOd is definitely most important to me, thank you for sharing. Now I must go get to my devotional. 😉

  32. This was a great post…loved it! I think there is no excuse not to live! So many people are not really living their lives and I think that is sad! LIVE PEOPLE! THRIVE! BE HAPPY!!

  33. I make no excuses not to work out each week. Even if I don’t do as much in a given week and I’d like, I still fit some activity in somewhere. Being healthy is one of my top priorities!

  34. Jess says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post, Tina!! I’m right there with you on Operation Beautiful – I just ordered it for my sis and I, we could both use the reminders in that book, I can’t wait to read it! As for things I feel I never have an excuse for? You guessed it -working out. For me – I am healthy and ABLE, so why not workout as much as I can (within reason, obviously). I am so grateful for being in good health, mind, body and spirit, and working out gives me such joy that I do it as often as I can anyway, and as I said, I have no reason not to do it so I don’t think, I don’t excuse, I just do. 🙂

  35. Great post! I think I need to do a better job of not accepting excuses from myself. I owe it to myself to hold myself accountable right? Thanks for giving me this to think about.

    One thing I need to implement right away: There is no excuse not to drink enough water. My BF is suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion right now and I feel for him big time!

  36. Kacy says:

    Great post! I really don’t know why people don’t eat more tofu either. It’s phenom.

    I don’t let myself give excuses for not running now that I’m training. It’s got to be done!

  37. love the post!!i cant stand when people makeother excuses for themselves for not doing something…if you are dedicated and motivated in whatever you do, then just DO IT! 🙂

  38. I freaking love tofu. The hubby won’t try it lol. My boys like it though! Loving your blog so much. 🙂

  39. I love tofu! Today at lunch, someone I work with accidentally put tofu on their salad (they thought it was chicken) and so I got to eat it! hehe 🙂

  40. Tava Tea says:

    I really like your style of writing. Its very engaging and pics are cool. I am more visual so understand pics better than words. Keep blogging.

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