it’s a…
Posted: August 26, 2010 at 10:58 amFirst off, I loved reading all of your comments on the random acts of kindness. Many of you have such great ideas on how to brighten up someone’s day. Us bloggers must have kind hearts. 😉
Okay, okay. I’ll get to what you’re waiting for. We had our doctor visit this morning. Everything went extremely well. The nurse even kept her mouth shut on my weight gain and left it at simply “It’s perfectly healthy and you’re doing great”. Finally she gets the point! I don’t need reassurance I’m gaining only X amount; I just don’t care. For those of you who may not know, I don’t want to know my gain during pregnancy because I don’t believe it matters. I strive to practice what I preach in all ways and not worrying about the scale, even in pregnancy, fits into that.
So, baby looks great. All the bones look strong; baby measures normal sized (which is a good thing because M was always too small); the heartbeat is strong. Everything. And look how cute. 🙂
Then, the money shot came. And there was no question -
“Look at me! I’m a boy!” There’s something to mother’s intuition, I tell ya. 😉 Now I gotta get baking. We’re doing a colored cake to tell my parents tonight when they come to go to dinner with us. Have fabulous days!
I’ll leave you with a few things to check out -
- Heather’s Faces of Beauty site she just launched. It’s a MUST see!!! She is fabulous and I love what she’s doing there.
- Thermos Twitter chat TONIGHT 8pm ET/7pm CT - Join @ThermosBrand to celebrate the launch of our new series with a group of renowned health and fitness experts: The Cold Matters Coaches. Ask questions, provide tips about what matters to you and help your family stay active, cool and hydrated through the rest of the summer. Participate using the #ThermosCold hashtag and you will automatically be entered to win some of our newest insulated hydration products. PLUS look for a giveaway on my blog from them tomorrow!
One of each- SOOOOOO Excited for you! I’ve been so anxious to hear!
Please post reaction of your parents!! 🙂
I definitely will! I’m so excited for them to find out. I’m happy that neither of them read my blog since they aren’t into computers. LOL
CONGRATS!!!! How exciting! I am a big sister to a little brother and it’s pretty darn awesome, so I know little M is going to be stoked!
Momma’s intuition!!! It’s NEVER WRONG!!!! 🙂 Oh Tina, Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!
HOORAYYYYYYYY! your text made me so happy for you this morning. you’re going to be a wonderful mom to your little son. 🙂 so excited for you tina! 🙂
I had to make sure to send a text to all of my friends. And even though we’ve only met in person once, you are definitely a friend and I wanted you to get that text. 🙂
aw, well i definitely appreciated it! so, so thrilled for you. 🙂
Congrats! Such exciting news for you. (And I love having one boy and one girl — I think it really cuts down on sibling competition.)
I think I’m even more happy for a boy now. I never thought of that, but it makes sense. And yes – would be incredibly helpful. LOL
CONGRATULATIONS!! Oh my goodness, you must be so excited…now you have one of each!! I’m so happy that both you and the baby are healthy!
Ahhhh congrats Tina! Baby M is going to be the beat big Sis! I am so happy for your family! Xoxox
Ahhhhh–so exciting!! I want boy children (though I would be happy with girls too)! I’m glad it is healthy and so are you. I love that you are embracing the changes to your body. Now you can go shopping for your little boy!!
Haha! I just got back from shopping. My favorite consignment sale started today and I stocked up. 60 items for only $130. Who knew shopping for a baby boy could be so fun? And I was completely done with his 0-6 months clothes in one hour. Woot!
whooohooo a boy!
YAAAAAY!!!! All my friends with boys say they are GREAT! So excited for you and your family!
Awwww congrats!!! Love the ultrasound pics!
Congrats girl!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this post all morning! Congrats to you and your family 🙂 <3
Congratulations!! You must be so excited!
Congrats on the boy!!!! I’m so glad it is going well. Are you feeling better?
Yes, thanks for asking! I’m feeling much better. I didn’t fall asleep until 2 am because of coughing, but woke up feeling good. And now I’m riding an excitement high that makes it not torturous to have only gotten 4 hours of sleep. LOL
OMG i am crying…i can’t wait to meet him! he’s beautiful! congratulations!
You can’t cry! I didn’t even cry. No…wait…I did about 15 mins ago. Okay, we can be teary together! That sounds better anyways. 😀
WOO HOO!!!!! So happy for you! 🙂
There’s just something about seeing a sonogram that makes my heart melt! Congrats, lady <3
Yay! Congrats!
YAY!!! Congrats!!
So exciting, Tina! Congrats!! I loved the inserted comments on the money shot. Haha. 😉
Much health & happiness to you all!
Congrats Tina!!!! Yay now you and Em are both having boys. How fun!
I know. I immediately thought of Em. Our boys get to be trouble together. I’m so excited to have a boy with her. 🙂
Congrats on the baby boy, I bet you are so excited!
CONGRATULATIONS Tina!!!! That’s such great news. Do you have any names picked out yet?
I can’t believe I forgot to share that. I’ll be sure to include it in tonight’s post. 🙂
You knew it!!!!
So exciting!!!!!! Glad to hear everything is going well with baby 🙂
I very much admire your outlook on weight gain, it helped me to adopt the same attitude!
It really doesn’t matter. Your body will gain just what it needs and it will come off. Most of it isn’t even fat anyways. It’s fluids – blood, water, amniotic, etc. Keep doing your best and that baby will get what he/she needs. Do you have any inklings on boy or girl for you?
I am SO EXCITED for you Tina! I got chills reading. Congrats to you and your family! 🙂
How fun 🙂 Congrats!
Yeah!!! Congratulations on your healthy baby boy! So many baby boys to be born into the blog world this year. I was the big sister to a baby brother….he will be a lucky boy to have Miss M to look after him 🙂
Congratulations!!! That’s so exciting! I love your view on pregnancy weigh gain too. I’m going to remember that for when I have children.
That’s what I guessed! Congratulations, that is so exciting!! What a perfect little family. 🙂
Ahh how exciting! Congrats to you and your family! 🙂
Ahh, congrats!
Congrats on your little boy!!!! So exciting (though of course it would be exciting either way).
I find out 2 weeks from today what we are having, I just hope baby coorportates.
I can’t WAIT to know what you’re having too. 😀
Hey congratulations!!!
I totally agree about not being too bothered any weight gain during pregnancy. You’re growing a miniature human inside you! I’m sure you have more important things to be doing, than sitting around obsessing about what the scale thinks of you 🙂
Congratulations!! Can’t beat a healthy baby boy!!
Congrats Tina!
Thanks for sharing this with us, I can’ t wait to hear the names you’ve picked out 🙂
Congrats! I love the colored cake idea!
Yea, a boy!! So exciting!!
Heck yeah!!! It’s a boy! You will love having a boy…they are so much fun! I am so happy for you and your family!!!
CONGRATS!!!! I am SO happy for you!! Little boys love their mommys 🙂
I love the cake idea, someone told me about it and I am totally doing that when we have a baby!
Congrats!!! 🙂
Congrats!!! my sister just found out she’s having TWO boys and i couldn’t be more excited!
She is a brave soul! I don’t know if I could handle two at the same time of any gender! I give mad props to all moms of twins. And single moms too.
Congrats! Great images of the baby, you must be chuffed to bits! x
I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word “chuffed”. Me likey! 🙂
congratulations! A Triple F Boy is coming!
I’m so glad the baby is doing well! And hooray for a boy! Congrats!
Congratulations Tina!!!! SO exciting. A baby boy will be a perfect addition to your precious family!
YAHOO! one of each! congrats
That’s awesome!! Thanks for sharing with us!
Congrats!!! When I was pregnant with my first they told ne they were pretty sure it was a girl—BOY were they wrong!! It was crazy. My middle child was the only one we were 100% sure about–BOY!
Congratulations! Mama knows best:-).