30 days of self love – worth
Posted: September 30, 2010 at 9:00 amDay 30. Amazingly enough, we have already arrived. The time passed by in a blur, but hopefully a blur caused by a whirlwind of emotion, self-discovery, and reflection that shook up our insides to put them in at least slightly better order. I know that I grew and learned more about myself over the past month and I sincerely hope you did too. I wish for each of us to know our worth in this world more fully than we may have 30 days ago. I long for us all to fully believe we hold so much value, so we may go out and live our lives with the beauty that unmistakably defines us. You are worthy because:
Your body does miraculous things. It carries you through life and gives you the physical capacity to do many things you love. It provides health and vitality to enjoy all life has to offer. Your body is pretty freaking awesome!! Never forget the gifts of your body.
Remember that those body parts which share so many gifts are also gorgeous as well. Even if they don’t fit in with the standards of society, they are still beautiful. Our unique physical attributes make us lovely.
Even more beautiful than all of that, however, is what makes up who we are. None of us are perfect, but all of us are wonderful. We each have our own strengths which can help uplift others. We each have our own passions, which can make life more exciting. We each have something to offer the world.
Go forth from this 30 days and continue to drain every drop of sweetness from life. You deserve it. Always remember to see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe you have the strength and will to reach it. Take joy in every day because you have the power to find it and claim it for your own. Don’t let trivial matters of numbers and physical appearance define you. Refuse to lose your life in a search for control, a denial of forgiveness, or fear to try new challenges. Live so you may love yourself. And then love yourself more, so you may live more. That is my wish for you. To let it really sink in, listen to this song if you can. It’s how I feel for each of you. Thank you for participating! It means more to me than you can ever know. Love, Tina 🙂
Please let me know if you post any sort of cumulative reflection of the 30 Days on your blog. I would love to read it. With the end of the 30 Days, I will go back to my normal 2x/day posting schedule. Look for my next post around 5 or 6 pm with my thoughts on where we go from here. I sincerely hope that each of you continues with me. Much love to you all!
Tags: self-love reflections
Congrats on 30 wonderful day and 30 wonderful posts! I’m so glad I got to participate in your movement. September flew by!
congrats tina! this was amazing and inspiring and i just want you to know how much i appreciated each and every post, even if i wasn’t around to leave my thoughts on each one, i cherished every word. you are amazing! so much love!!
I can’t believe the 30 days are over already! Thank you SO much, Tina, for all of the hard work and effort you have put into this. I think I not only learned a lot about myself, but from you, AND from reading through the insightful comments of others. 🙂
Thanks, Holly! It did take a lot out of me but was something I knew I had to do.
Thanks for doing this these past 30 days! I know I may not have commented on each post, but they truly were great to read every morning and reflect on.
Tina, I am so grateful to you for holding this self reflection month for us! I plan on digging deeper into each topic during October as well. I have to say that I didn’t share as much on line as I thought I would – it was very personal for me, for sure.
Again, I so appreciate the very hard work you did on this project!!
What a wonderful month of posts, Tina! I’ve enjoyed reading each one very much. Some of them really hit home and I read them when I really needed it. What a great message to end on 😀
and thank you so much for being the amazing woman you are and sharing your heart with us! i can’t believe it’s over either…crazy!
Time just flies by, huh?
Hope you’re doing better by the way. I know its not 100% because things are still hard, but I know you’re keeping the faith too. Love to you!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: 30 days of self love – worth: Day 30. Amazingly enough, we have already arrived. The time passed by in a blur, but… http://bit.ly/apBhnJ […]
It has been an amazing month of inspiration, motivation, and self reflection. Thank you for being an amazing guide, sharing your thoughts and heart with us 🙂 I am grateful for the hard work that you put into each post, and helping me discover things about myself! 🙂 I plan to read these posts in the future to continue to inspire and motivate me. I definitely will continue to follow you 🙂
This was so inspirational. I really believe that you need to love yourself before anything else, and when you do, the world just gets brighter.
Another great post. I am so very thankful that I found your blog in time to participate and reach each day. It truly gave me a perspective on my own life and what things I need to work on.
Thanks, Lisa! I always appreciate your comments so much. 🙂
Thank you so much for hosting the 30 days of self love. Not only was it a great way to get to know myself and learn to appreciate myself during an admittedly awful time, but I also enjoyed learning more about you and everyone else who participated. I really appreciate all the effort, thought, and love you put into this!
This is so great! Thank you for such encouraging words.
I love that song.
Thank you, Tina, and all you wonderful participants! This truly has been a life-changing month. There have been so many things discussed to think on that have caused me to challenge myself, be kinder to myself, forgive myself, and love myself and in turn be a better wife, mother, daughter and friend.
Thanks, Kelly. That’s what I hoped. To challenge ourselves to push past those barriers so we could more fully embrace ourselves.
Thank you so much, Tina, for all that you did to make the 30 DSLR so special and meaningful to us all. I hope this is just the beginning! I realized through the past 30 days that I need to love myself more, without condition, and to stop seeking perfection with regard to my body. Accepting me as me, unique and beautiful, is so important and allows me to love others more because I’m not so focused on myself. These past 30 days have given me a lot to appreciate about my body, strengths, gifts, hopes, passions and overall outlook on life. You rock!!!
Oh, and I had to stop the song about 10 seconds in because this was the song my sister (MOH) played at my wedding while she showed a slideshow of my life and my hubby’s. I cry every single time I hear it and can’t cry right now because I’m heading to the gym HAHAHA! It is a beautiful song, though:)
Tina I really appreciate all of the time you took in putting this 30 DRSL together. I have enjoyed every message!
I think having that daily dose of putting yourself first, and truly valuing yourself really helped me! It is almost like going to church each week: I need that weekly dose of worship to set the tone and focus of the week. Your 30 DRSL helped me set the tone for each day, and I really appreciate that!
I’ve been working on a 30 DRSL post but I want to take the time to finish it well. I’ll let you know when I post it 🙂
Wonderful job, Tina! It is obvious that you poured your heart and soul into this project, and it has touched so many lives.
Oh Tina, this was such an awesome experience! You truly put ALL of you into this month, sharing with with us and helping us discover a bit about love. 🙂
I began each day with your post. They helped me focus on how I wanted to live my day. I love the discussions we had here and everything that we shared! One incredible beauty about this blogging community!
I will most CERTAINLY be joining you on wherever you go next.
I found your blog right in time to start the 30 days… and it was at the exact right time. I plan on going through them again though, because I know there is more that the Lord intends for me to get from all of these 🙂 You are an amazing and talented woman and I am so thankful the Lord led me to your blog!!!!
It’s wonderful how he works, huh? And thank you so much for your continued support. 🙂
So many beautiful points mentioned here. What a great way to end an inspiring 30 days! Thanks so much for sharing such positive thoughts and emotions this past month! It has really helped me alot!! You are amazing!
The past 30 days absolutely flew by! You did an amazing job inspiring me and I’m sure so many others with your thoughtful and fascinating posts. Thank you Tina!
Congrats! That was a quick 30 days. You are very inspiring and you did a beautiful thing for many people. Xo.
Thanks, lady! I really appreciate your thoughts and value your opinion. 🙂
[…] started off like any ordinary day. I woke up and got the morning’s 30 Days post written. Then I spent the morning with Makenzie and preparing breakfast. We had one of the standard […]
You did such an amazing job with each and every 30 Days post!! I really feel like I’ve had a shift in my way of thinking and I feel much more positive and happy!! 🙂 It’s helped me reflect on my past and realize I NEVER want to go back to those ways. Thank you for guiding me down this path. I know many others feel the same way. You are such a wonderful woman and I’m so honored to KNOW you!! 🙂 Lots of love!!!!!!
I have to say thank you for doing this. It was a wonderful chance for me to really focus on myself for awhile and it was really nice. I did a final post with some thoughts but just had to come in here and tell you that this was a great project!!
Tina, great job on this month. I can’t believe it’s over, you did a great job with it and i know it had to be extra work for you, so thanks for keeping it up 🙂
Oh boy…yea it was extra work. But I really did enjoy it and felt the need for it. Sometimes the hard stuff is the most worthy, right? 😉
Dear Tina,
Here is my final 30 days post, officially anyway!
Thanks again for all your wonderful work and inspiration.
What a beautiful wrap up… well said.
I think that this 30 days has been successful, i know for sure it’s helped me a LOT. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for encouraging me when I really needed it the most 🙂 love you
[…] hugs to Tina who completed her 30 Days of Self Love effort yesterday. She poured her heart into that […]
[…] started by Tina late last year. And quite aptly, the final topic forces me to consider my ‘worth’ by revisiting all 29 topics which have come before. I long for us all to fully believe we hold […]
It’s funny cos – in some ways it feels like I just started this challenge yesterday; but on the other, going back over the past 29 days for this topic was if I was reading my posts for the first time.
I don’t quite know that I am ‘there’. But I like to think that on occasions I’ll remember, or be reminded of, what I wrote during the 30 days and in time I will accept some of the new thinking and start to change my behaviour.
Thanks for initiating this great idea Tina!
I know you probably don’t pay much attention to this blog anymore, because it’s older. But thank you so much for what you did. In the morning, I would smile while reading this blog. I may read it again someday. 🙂 I’ve grown a lot since July 12th. Thank you so much.