Forcing It

Posted: December 16, 2010 at 8:04 pm

Sometimes you have to force yourself to do certain things. It’s for your own good.

This morning, I forced myself to sleep in. I typically wake up around 6 am so I can have some quiet time before Makenzie wakes up. Today, I made myself stay snuggled up in bed until 7:30.

Then, after making and eating breakfast, I forced myself to stay on the couch all day. I feel better than yesterday, but know rest will do my body some good.


Side note: I look super young when I’m sick. I promise I’m not 16.

I had to force myself to stop negative thoughts. I hate feeling lazy. Sitting on the couch all day will do that to a person. I momentarily started feeling down on myself and “gross” – but I stopped all of that nonsense pronto.

Then, more nonsense appeared in the form of guilt for having M chill with me on the couch all day, watching TV or reading books. I’m still a good mom. She still loves me. Heck, she probably loves me more for allowing her to watch a marathon of recorded Word World episodes today.

I had to force myself not to poke my eyes out from watching the same episode 4 times in a row. How can kids watch things over and over and over?

I couldn’t laze about completely. I still had to force myself to use my brain and plan for Sunday’s class.


I had to force myself not to laugh too hard at Makenzie’s antics singing “Needof the Red Nose Redoor”. I didn’t want to have to change my underpants. Remember the joys of leaking “they” don’t tell you about?

Now, I have to force myself away from the alluring call of Nyquil. Oh, to knock myself out from feeling the cold ickies!

  • Did you have to force yourself to do anything today?

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49 Comments to “Forcing It”
  1. Kelly says:

    I hope this day helps you feel better…you needed it! I do empathize with you for having to watch the same 4 episodes over and over…I don’t know how kids can do that. And they laugh at the same parts over and over and over. You are a good mom. 🙂

  2. The only thing I need to force myself to do today is running to target to get more shipping boxes to pack up the rest of our family present we need to ship out by tomorrow. I’m dreading going to the post office, but it must be done and I need to get the boxes at Target if its going to happen!

  3. Yeah, I forced myself to do a lot today. It was a strange day of get up and go and then slow down and then go again. Weird. I am glad you got some rest! I hope you feel so much better tomorrow!

  4. Good for you for listening to your body and taking a day to rest! I hope you feel better tomorrow!

  5. Jennifer Rahn says:

    I’m sick, too, with GI issues that have the OB concerned. It’s no fun taking care of a toddler when all you want to do is take care of yourself! I’m glad that M is able to entertain herself for ya. I’m hoping that A will get to that point soon. 🙂

  6. Em says:

    I’m glad you forced yourself to relax and take it easy today. You and Baby B deserve that!! 🙂 I pray that you feel better soon!! That picture reminds me of me – I’ve been wearing Andrew’s GT sweatshirts a LOT since being pregnant!! 🙂

  7. Good for you for making yourself rest and take care! 🙂 You DO look 16. hahaha I hope you feel better soon! I forced myself to walk 4 miles during lunch. I wanted to nap. blah.

  8. Does being productive at work count? Getting so close to vacation makes it hard to focus…

  9. Natalie says:

    Yes, I had to force myself to get outside and walk the dog today! It was cold and I did NOT want to leave the house 🙂

  10. Wendy Irene says:

    Good for you for taking a day for rest and for pushing out those guilty thoughts. Man they can be sneaky! It is so hard to be sick with young kids. I hope you feel better soon!

  11. You’re body will thank you for resting up. Today I had to force myself to stop running at 2 miles to prevent possibly aggravating my IT band issues. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Get some rest!!

  12. Becca says:

    I pretty much had to force myself to go to school. It was snowing and I didn’t want to go and the rest of the schools around here were closed, but I went. Because I had to take my last final today. So… =\ But now I’m officially on Christmas Break! 🙂

  13. YES – I had to force myself to resist from breaking open the fun package I had waiting for me immediately as I approached my front door! And guess what it was….
    My Blogger Holiday Gift…from YOU! Hahaha, as if you didn’t already know. 😉
    Thanks so much, Tina! I LOVE everything!!! 😀

  14. Cynthia says:

    Sounds like a great day! Don’t feel guilty for taking care of yourself.

    I had to force myself to go to the grocery store after work, even though it was raining. I won’t have time tomorrow and my husband and I have too much to do on Saturday. I’m glad I knocked something off my to-do list.

  15. I had to force myself to have a good attitude at work despite feeling like a scapegoat and like my boss hates me.

  16. The rest will surely do you good. Hope you feel better real soon! 😀

  17. I’m right there with you on the negative thoughts – especially when I’m stuck in bed. But you’re definitely NOT being lazy. You have to take care of yourself so that you can return stronger than before. I always surprise myself with what I can accomplish after a few days off. I know you will too!
    Rest up and feel better soon!!

  18. Feel better! I forced myself to study!

  19. I hope you feel better soon!!!

    I had to force myself to get up this morning. I had to get out and do my run before it snowed (I’m visiting the DC area) so this meant that I needed to be up early! But once I got up, I was fine! 🙂

  20. Sorry you’re feeling sick – resting is definitely the best thing to do, don’t feel bad for it!

  21. Priyanka says:

    I have been such a bum all day today. I got the day off today and was just parked on the couch. In the end guilt took over but I quickly came to the realization that my body that needed that rest.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  22. Too funny–Word World is Meghan’s favorite show. It’s a beautiful woooorld–Word World! Now the song is stuck in my head. Thanks. 🙂

  23. Kat says:

    Lady, I was not feeling like the perkiest, nicest human in the world today, so I had to force myself to get all of my ducks in a row.

    It’s so hard sometimes to look at the big picture and realize that life will go on. Today is only ONE day of many.

  24. Nyquil has been my best friend the past couple of days. Hope things turn around and you feel better soon! Even though I’m not 100% better, it feels great to be able to get up and around and out of the house!

  25. Hope you’re feeling better after getting some rest today! And you definitely are a great mama! I don’t even know you really, and I can see it plain as day:)

  26. Sarah says:

    I forced myself to do Jillian Michael’s Banish Fat DVD ( which totally kicked my booty. I pretty much collapsed on the floor during the cool down. I hope you enjoyed your forced sleeping in 🙂 Wanna trade? I’ll sleep in for you if you want to go to work for me!

  27. sophia says:

    Yesterday, I woke up at 8 am…but made myself sleep in 3 hours more because heck, it’s my first day of break, and I deserve a sleep-in! It’s not about being lazy, but just treating yourself some slack. 🙂

  28. At 1:00 this afternoon, after puttering around the house for 5 hours (and not accomplishing much at all!), I forced myself to venture outside into a snow blizzard. I had lots of errands to run, but hadn’t been able muster the will to wade through 5 inches of snow to to de-ice my car. But I did it, and once I was out there, I realized it wasn’t so bad–it was kind of fun! 🙂

    I’m sure your baby and body are thanking you!!

  29. jen says:

    Hope you feel better soon!

    I have to force myself to not be lazy every day 🙁


  30. chelsey says:

    Well, today has only yet begun. I think today I’m going to have to force myself NOT to sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” when the school bell rings at 3 p.m.

  31. Tatianna says:

    Aww… I hope you feel better!

    I seem to have been blessed with the same eternal youth 😛 People always think I am so much younger than I am when they see me.

  32. Heather says:

    I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself – your body needs the rest!
    I had to force myself to not get down for not working out in 3 days. I kept reminding myself that “It’s ok, it’s only 3 days……it’s only 3 days….”

  33. Allie says:

    Feel better soon! I was cracking up about M singing Rudolf HAHAH sooo cute ! 🙂 You are NOT lazy! At all!

  34. I hope you feel better soon!
    …but can you please force yourself to take off that GT shirt and put on a UGA one 😉

  35. Angela says:

    I love your M stories!! Today I had to force myself to scrape the snow/ice off my car to get to the gym for my training appointment, and for work. I’ve had quite enough of winter!! But on the positive side, I’m thrilled that it’s Friday because that means tomorrow I can sleep in! 🙂

  36. Nichole says:

    Maybe if you were wearing a Bulldawgs shirt you would have felt better, teasing:) I’m married to a Techie, haa.

    Sorry you are under the weather, and thank you for informing me on leaking – another fun fact my friends haven’t shared. We talked last night about the shows and books they are reading to their kids, hysterical.

    I forced myself to get up for spin class, when I really felt like sleeping, haa.

  37. Ha, yesterday I had to force myself to quit napping! Truly out of control.

  38. i had to force myself to NOT exercise yesterday…it was a day that i really needed to rest on and even though i really wanted to try, i knew it was best for me to take that time off!

  39. I definitely feel know how you are feeling (even though I’m not sick OR preggo). Earlier this year I hurt myself pretty bad and had to spend almost a whole week barely doing anything. It was sheer torture and I too felt “gross.” But after much couseling from my hubs, I realized it was what my body needed…a rest!! 🙂

  40. BIOCHEMISTA says:

    Feel better my dear!!!!! I have to force myself to get OFF the couch! haha I slept til ONE the other day on my day off! haha

  41. Aww, I hope the day of forced rest has led to feeling a bit better today! Just remember…even if it’s out of your regular routine, it’s GOOD to take care of yourself in that way. 🙂 We can all use that reminder sometimes, right? And hey, you got some good snuggle and TV time out of the deal.

  42. Julie says:

    That Needof the red nosed redoor is so cute! They come up with some funny ones! My nephew calls him Rudog.

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