All My Bags Are Packed
Posted: December 22, 2010 at 11:50 am…I’m ready to go. I’m standing here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say goodbye. But I’m leaving…on a jet plane…don’t know when I’ll be back again.
Well, none of the above is actually true. I’m not going anywhere…especially not on a jet plane at 9 months pregnant. And my bags aren’t packed. But I do need to start packing my bags for the hospital. Last night, while writing out a list, that song and scene from Armageddon got stuck in my head. Would you believe me if I told you Armageddon is one of my favorite movies?And that I used to find Steven Tyler sexy? Truth. Up until I scored front row (non-floor) seats to an Aerosmith concert in college and realized he is a little creepy looking.
Enough about all of that, though. My hospital bag. Why do they tell you to bring so much crap that you will never use to the hospital? Then, leave out things you actually would like to have? I learned my lesson last time. So, here’s what will…and will not…be coming with me. In order of importance. I’m not joking.
Distractions. My labor with Makenzie only lasted 5 hours thanks to being induced. but this one could very well go longer. Plus, after baby arrives you do still find yourself with some downtime having to sit in bed all. day. long. So these distractions will come with us to the hospital.
The netbook because the internet is the easiest way to share the news and photos with everyone easily. And yes, I will share updates on the blog too. That’s where I plan for the masses of family and friends to get their info and photos in fact.
The camera because, well duh, we will want pictures.
Games for Peter (like Sudoku & handheld Yahtzee) and perhaps some magazines for me. You think I’m kidding when I say distractions come in handy at times. You want anything to help pass labor more quickly.
A set of Friends DVDs because I love them. Once again, to help pass labor more quickly. And because I will poke my eyes out if Peter uses the entire 48 hours or so we will be there to get his History Channel fix.
Toiletries – because the shower after birth is the best feeling, even if most painful, shower you will ever take.
Barely any clothes. This is important! I packed a few comfy outfits for post-delivery with Makenzie. HA! You don’t use them! Hospital gowns are comfortable and EASY. Plus, you have all sorts of gunk all over that you don’t want getting on your own stuff. This year, I will only be bringing fuzzy socks for my cold feet, a nursing bra to hold the nipple pads, and a robe for when visitors come.
Bring on the provided hospital gowns and disposable mesh panties! I don’t think the ice-diapers for the hooha would even fit in my normal panties. Ice diapers for the hooha you ask? Why yes. And they are amazing. But that’s for another post.
Other randomocity. Like paperwork and insurance cards. No birth plan. I don’t believe in those things. You can’t plan for how the birth will go.
Some cash for Peter to eat because they don’t feed the husbands. SNACKS because you may want to eat off your arm after delivery. Trail mix = a god send!
Changes of clothes for the husband and the going-home outfits for myself and baby B. He gets to look all cute in a little number like this…
…I get to go home wearing stretchy pants, a sweatshirt, a still pregnant looking belly, and a look of frantic exhaustion. And perhaps some porno boobs on top of it all. There’s no point packing to look cute. Keep that in mind for when your time comes. You. will. not. look. cute. You will look like a new mother, which is beautiful…but not cute by any means. Good thing there’s an adorable new baby so no one notices anyways. Look at the tiny M!
Question of the Day – What is one thing you think you would HAVE to have when staying in the hospital for 2-3 days?
Tags: pregnancy
Love your list! Wow. Mesh panties. Just wow. I’ve heard about the ice pads … and then some. Yikes. But I’m sure it feels great … considering … OK this is turning creepy very quickly!