Posted: January 25, 2011 at 8:46 pmOh, life. You can always make me laugh. And at the perfect times too. Today didn’t run quite as seamlessly as yesterday. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a bad day…but it had its moments.Handling two will certainly keep your hands full!
Thank goodness for nap times, a cup of hot Sugar Cookie tea, and some random humor to lighten the mood through the day. And sometimes slightly inappropriate humor is exactly what you need.
Like this teething toy we received for baby B. Looks innocent enough, no?
Well, thanks to M’s playing, I found out today that it vibrates. While I know its meant for soothing a baby’s gums I can’t help but chuckle that it could totally be sold as something else. I’m just glad they didn’t pick a cherry as their fruit of choice! Or use a vegetable like a carrot or cucumber. I should probably stop now.
Or how about M’s comment after I got out of the shower this morning? As I was drying off she looked up at me and told me “Mommy has big boobies”. Then proceeded with “Baby Braedon has looooottttssss of milk. He drinks Mommy’s boobies”. Nice. Perhaps I should have explained breastfeeding to her differently?
Remember this quote I posted this morning?
When I originally searched “do your best quotes” in Google Images…I got a bunch of pictures of women’s thong-dressed bottoms. How does that even relate? I guess they did their best for their perky derrieres?
And then, when I decided to spend nap time leisurely reading blogs, I couldn’t help but laugh when I came across this as a word verification…
Sorry, word verification. This momma’s got one up on you. Just ask my daughter.
Question of the Evening – What random humor did you encounter recently?
And keep any additional Q’s you have about breastfeeding coming! Got some great ones from you in the last post’s comments.
Last week to enter to win a $100 Visa Gift Card! I would love one of you regular readers to win!
Tags: miscellaneous
LOL! This made me giggle. I’m super sleepy at the moment (in Cali for work, 3 hr time difference) and needed a chuckle 😉 that’s hysterical – the comment from M and the ‘toy’!
OMG! Too funny! My mom and I went to register for Ella last week for my shower…and there was a couple baby items that vibrated. My mom (who has the dirtiest mind and sense of humor) had me cracking up as to reasons why I should not register for those items. I am the conservative, prude one. But it was pretty funny.
Well I have just finished working in a long term facility for my dietetic internship and there was this an elderly lady about 76yrs old with dementia. She told me and the other RD last week, “Ladies, were are gonna go out to lunch today and we are going to invite ALL THE BINGE DRINKERS!!!!”. It was soooo funny! this is one memory I won’t forget! lol!
You can always count on older people and kids to say the best stuff!
Hahah loved this post Tina. So fun, glad you are finding humor in your day to day with the kiddies! Kids really said the funniest (and smartest) things sometimes!
Haha — too funny! Glad you’re finding humor in your busy day. 🙂
maybe it’s like dual marketing?…
Loved this!
LOL! Oh sounds like quite the day, but if you can look back and laugh at it, then you all good. Big boobies and all, hehe!
Where oh where did you get the Elmo slippers?! I have a certain two year old who would love love love them! (Although it may be to my own detriment. I have a difficult time getting him out of his Elmo James every morning!)
HAHAHA you made my night with the strawberry thing. Yes, it’s good it’s not a cherry…but wouldn’t it be even 1000000 times funnier if it was?
I used to pull at the loose skin on my mom’s elbows as a kid. I’d tell anyone who listened that “my mom has flappy elbows.” I guess her boobies weren’t as intriguing at that point…
Great post, kids just say the funniest things!! I am glad you can find humor in your day. A good laugh can go a long way.
No humor for me today, but I did find out that Trader Joe’s brand changes depending on the foods nationality. Bring it on Trader Jose’s and Trader Giotto’s! It’s sad, but that is what made my day.
LOL! Some days your mind just can’t be controlled. 🙂
Hehehehehe, I loved this post! I’m just glad you didn’t figure out it was a vibrating teething toy after stashing it in your purse! (I’ve had that happen…)
And I love your word verification…:) It’s funny how some things turn you into a giggly 13-year-old, huh? 🙂
Hilarious Tina!! 🙂
Loved it.
Ha! Love this…I’ve actually been sick today so nothing funny here…just lots of sleep!
jahahhahahha the vibrating teething toy totally cracks me up 🙂 And kids totally say the darndest things! What cracked me up today? I had to travel for work and watched a woman try to fit a piece of luggage FARRRR too large for the overhead. Regardless, she shoved and shoved. People are funny 😉
This is fabulous. The little moments that make you laugh make all the “work” worth it 🙂
Hahahaha!!! This is great! I’m trying to think if anything funny happened today…. it was a pretty gloomy rainy day. 🙁 Boo!
I don’t know about everyone else but I totally had to just go and google “do your best quotes” to see what you were talking about.
A commenter on an online newspaper today claimed flu shots contained nanobots and made everyone who got one into PM harper lovers and than proceeded to call him a big head. It’s surprising how entertaining those can be sometimes.
Haha, a vibrating cucumber teething toy would be awesome.
Hang in there–way to look on the bright side!!! Take care of those “cecups”!
omg! What your daughter said is priceless!!! lol! Kids are so innocent and funny!!!
I am sure it is alot of work with two little ones now, but oh so rewarding too ; )
Sugar Cookie tea is the best!
LOL I love that word verification one!
OMG what a riot! I love this post!! You crack me up!
hahaha! great light-hearted post, tina! 🙂 your random funny moments made me laugh too.
It looks like the universe is keeping you entertained by adult humor, even though you’re watching two little ones all day. 😉
Good point. It knows I need something adult when surrounded by talk of colors, letters, teddy food, and baby diapers.
Oh wow- that baby toy cracks me up! Sometimes people really don’t step back and think about what they’re doing when designing something like that…
This is by far one of the best blog posts I’ve ever read on the ‘nets. Yeah, THAT good. I’m also in a very giggly mood though 😀
Lol…there’s something about finding humor in the little things, right? 🙂
Oh my gosh – your day is hilarious. I’m so glad you were able to find humor on a more challenging day!
Hahaha that is AWESOME! So there was a Harry Potter broom stick toy (meant to be placed between your legs!) that vibrated, with comments on the page such as this gem
“”My 12 year old daughter is a big Harry Potter fan, and loved the part with the Nimbus 2000, so I decided to buy her this toy. I was afraid she would think it was too babyish, but she LOVES this toy. Even my daughter’s friends enjoy playing with this fun toy. I was surprised at how long they can just sit in her room and play with this magic broomstick! A great buy for any Harry Potter fan!” Ashley from TX”
You can read more of the comments here
Soooooo funny! 😀
I can not get over this. I read this comment last night and cracked up. Shared it with Peter and cracked up again. Read it again just now and laughed again. That is fabulous!
Haha, I love you for this! I would have thought the same about the toy and those word verifications very often crack me up.
Haha! So many things made me laugh in this post, especially M’s comments!
LOL too funny. Sometimes you just need that one funny thing that shouldn’t be funny to make your day 😉
OMG thats so funny. I just laughed so hard it wasnt even funny. CEE CUPP hahhaha. Your daughter is so funny!
You are hilarious and awesome!! 🙂
Hahaha, what an inappropriate child’s toy!
My kids constantly amaze me with the things they say. I wonder how their minds work sometimes! Yesterday the girls insisted that their stuffed animals needed to wear snow hats because they had fevers!
Haha – I love that you documented the things that made you laugh today. I’ll always ask Billy, “What were we laughing so hard about last night?” And neither of us can remember. Maybe we have memory loss…or maybe we just laugh too often to remember. Glad you had some good laughs today. 🙂
I would say laughing too often to remember is a good thing to face. I love that! 🙂
Oh that teether! hahahaha its cracking me up! My mom got us that one, she thought it would be really helpful! I managed to keep the laughter in until later because she was so excited about it!
I can just picture your mom giving it to you all excited! I bet it works well…but still so funny!
Thanks for adding some laughter to my evening. Too funny!
Sounds like you actaully had a pretty good day filled with laughs…
Too funny! I remember my experience with nursing around Noah, he was four when we had Kohl…lot’s of cute kid comments. I always want to put Kohl on t.v. for his comments such as “I didn’t buy any patience at Wal Mart”!
This is too funny! I love random humor in things!
Oh my you have had a funny day! Adjusting to two is tough, but you will get the hang of it. Baby B looks so sweet 🙂
Laughter keeps you sane!!! Braeden still talks about my boobies (I do still BF L, but not in front of him). Who knows what he tells his teachers at school. Kids!
Oh, and that’s the BEST teether. Vibration and all 🙂
You’re too funny! I’m sure part of the fun of having a kid is trying to hide those innuendos from them for as long as possible.
Yeah, I’d find it hard to answer those tough questions kids have. I’m sure it will come up since you have a girl and boy… they will eventually ask “why does/doesn’t she/he have this??”
I sometimes find funny word verifications. Once, I swore I saw something like “asshes.”
Hehe. This post left me giggling 🙂
There is nothing like a little inappropriate humor to turn around a day 🙂 its good to be able to laugh at things!
Oh my goodness, this post had me laughing out loud! I can’t get over that toy and your comments about other fruit & veggie alternatives! Hahaha!
I had some inappropriate humor myself today. I had a 60-something year old man as a patient that I had to start an IV on. I couldn’t get the cap off the needle so my co-worker helped me. He asked if we were having problems and when my co-worker replied with, “No, she just couldn’t get the thing off” he said, “Hmm, I have that same problem!” Ahhhhh! I turned like 500 shades of red!!
Oh my goodness!!! That is hysterical. I wouldn’t have been able to hold back a laugh.
Oh man, being a teacher you have so many moments like this. Like the picture my students show me of hamsters “reproducing” or a student telling me he just “sharted”. It’s true. You can’t make it up. The amazing part is how I hold it together when they tell me this.
I remember those moments. High schoolers are crazy kids! And there wer times i know I couldn’t hold the laughter back.