I Will Say It Loud And Proud
Posted: June 1, 2011 at 8:56 amBefore I begin – thank you all for the supportive comments! I always believe in transparent blogging and opening myself up fully to my readers. It helps me reflect, get back to normal, and feel better as well. Thank you for that.
You know what bothers me? The fact that many times we will quickly own up to our weaknesses or things we can improve. We will readily zone in on what we deem “icky” about our bodies or negative qualities on which we could work. Then, on the flip side, when a compliment comes our way we bat it down and swat it aside. We nullify it and make it the exception to the standard. We shy away from declaring our strengths. I know I do it too. Even my recent posts have shared some struggling moments of my life and personal vulnerabilities.
Today I want to switch gears. Today I want to say it loud and say it proud. I want to declare my strengths to the world. Without addendums that lessen. Without rationalizations that make them seem less valuable. I want to put myself on a pedestal and feel dang good about it. My strengths include…
I love hard.
I am determined in reaching goals I set for myself.
I am a passionate writer and inspire others with my words.
I can create delicious meals that are better for their ease factor.
I am smart.
I have a good, albeit odd, sense of humor.
I’m organized, hard-working, and get things done.
I am physically strong.
I can forgive others, yet still watch out for myself.
I listen well and others trust me.
I use life’s lessons to continuously grow. I do not fear growth.
I stand behind my faith.
Will you join me and declare your strengths proudly?
Tags: positive attitude
Oh Tina, I LOVE THIS!! And I love all of those things about you. And you are SO RIGHT, we are so ready to own up to failures or downfalls, but when a compliment comes our way, rather than own up to it, we quickly nullify it. I HATE that about myself. Bad habit. What do I love about me? That I’m determined. To change those bad habits, to realize my body is my strength, not a weakness, not ‘fat,’ not bad. It’s my biggest struggle right now, but every day, I try to squash those habits before they start.
I refuse to be nothing less than 100% happy.
I have grown into a strong, independent voice I never thought I had.
I, too, love very hard.
Great post Tina! It was an amazing way to start the day.
Love this post Tina — I am strong, smart, energetic, hard working, loving, caring, respectful, focused, giving and helpful. Those are the things I love about myself and those are the things I need to focus on, not the negative!
Awesome post Tina! So true about us swatting away compliments. I can distinctly remember in high school a boy giving me a compliement and I simply said “thank you”. He looked at me all weird and I was like “what?” His repsonse: “that’s awesome that you can accept it like that, usually most girls try to dismiss compliments”. That conversation has always stuck in my mind and I always try to remember that when I’m tempted to dismiss something nice someone said to me. Own it!
This is an amazing post. I believe recognizing your strengths is just as important as recognizing your weaknesses. Keep up the awesomeness!
I am incredibly strong
I am creative
I am full of random knowledge
I am a Type A
I am learning to step outside of my comfort zone
I also LOVE HARD!! (love that one haha) and have a strong faith, have good listening skills, am overly caring, and I try to give of myself as much as I can! Such an empowering post!
I LOVE this post! You are fabulous! A great mommy, cook and genuine person. I really enjoy reading your blog 🙂 What are my strengths? I am a great motivator (as a group fitness instructor), I am a pretty decent baker & cook, I am thoughtful and grateful, I would do anything for my friends and family, I’m a good Mommy to Frank and a good wife to Josh
posts like this is why I get so into reading your blog!
I am loving, I am helpful, I am open-minded, I am a great listener, I am silly, I have a good heart, I am smart, I have a tough mind, I have strong running legs, I am optimistic, and I am a good mom, wife, daughter, and sister!
I am also really, really tired but this post made me smile!
I love this!! It so true that it is easier to find our flaws than our strengths, but I want to be more like you and proudly display my strengths!
Some of my strengths are that I am passionate about my family and faith, I am good at creating healthy and delicious food, and I am easy to talk you!
I agree that we are always so quick to list our negatives or things we want to change. I liked this a lot!
I SO LOVE THIS!!! I seriously may steal this post theme for one of my own, watch out. 😉 I love everything you said about yourself btw, so very true and SO the reason we all love you so much!! Say it loud and proud!!
What a great and uplifting post to start my Wednesday with!!
I am passionate and full of fun
I am free-spirited and open-minded
I am very good at my job
I love working on my blog and am proud on how far it’s come and how much I’ve grown since starting it!!
I love your motivating posts and honesty!! Your strengths are definitely something to be proud of. 🙂 Your weaknesses have nothing on your strengths!
One of my strengths is that I have learned how to accept a compliment (most of the time)–I used to be very awkward about it, but I’ve learned how to do it gracefully. Compliments still make me shy, but I’m getting to act more and more confident when I receive them. Isn’t it funny how sometimes compliments cause us to shrink back instead of act even more confident? I know that happens for me sometimes, anyway! I hate having attention drawn to myself.
My other strength includes developing a high internal locus of control. I’ve gone from victimizing myself to realizing that my happiness is completely in my control. I refuse to settle and I’m constantly looking for growth and ways to reach my full potential.
That is such an interesting point in compliments making us less confident when they should make us more confident. Never thought of it that way, but its so true. We need to own them!
I have been catching up on your posts and I just have to say you are REALLY inspirational to me. To truly overcome obstacles AND be leaning on God to help is an amazing thing! When he gives you strength you really can do anything! You should be so proud and I am truly touched by your posts! GO GIRL 🙂
I love with everything have, I speak honestly, I am strong, I have learned to love myself just as I am, I am saved and loved by an almighty God! Yeah me! 😉
Well, as I am still working on my own self-improvement I am unable to “declare” anything I’m good at. When I finally get my blog started, you’ll see me in all my messiness. 🙂 Glad you’re feeling better!
Oh, come on. I know one good thing. You are an AMAZING mother. Make that two things – you’re a great friend too. 🙂
Love this! It is so true. We are our own worse critic. I saw this a lot while studying music in college. I would complement someone, or they would complement me and the first reaction many times was “well you didn’t hear the mistake I made” or “it wasn’t my best”.
I am a good listener
I am there for my friends (even when it feels like a one way street or they have hurt me)
My family is extremely important to me
My faith is the foundation in my life
I am creative and organized
I am enthusiastic about what I love
I love your post today! I was having a off day myself yesterday carb cycling and I just felt down in the dumps but today is a good day!
Thank you for putting things into perspective.
Cant wait to check out your yummy recipes!
Best Post Everrr!!!
I am proud that I have a compassionate heart and will put others first before myself. 🙂
Hi Tina, I didn’t see your binging post yesterday, but I’m so glad you wrote it! As a recovering emotional eater/binger it’s good to hear that you still struggle but can overcome it. Sometimes I just need to hear about someone else’s strength to help me grow stronger, too, you know?
One of my strengths is definitely my desire to face my fears and not be afraid of change. I have been to therapy, switched careers, and made many other decisions in life devoted to me being my happiest, healthiest self, which is not always easy.
I LOVE this post and your blog! It’s so nice to read someone campaigning for others to feel good about themselves. As much as I love healthy living blogs, they are somewhat intimidating because I just can’t compete. But your blog makes me feel good about myself. Thanks! 😀
Thanks! I try to allow others to relate to me by sharing openly and I always love hearing it doesn’t go wasted. <3!
I know I have a couple, but I think my best is that I’m fiercely loyal to the people I love. What a great post! Thanks for sharing it!
Love this! I agree with your strengths and see them all the time in your posts. My strengths are patience, optimism, and a positive attitude!
Yes, I certainly agree that you ABSOLUTELY LOVE HARD!!! Great post Tina, especially as a follow up to yesterday’s. My strengths are independence (sometimes a strength), physical strength, emotional strength, and optimism. Have a lovely day Tina! 🙂
I get myself up in the morning for 5:30 workouts
I create healthy meals for myself on a daily basis
I am learning to control my binging issue that seems to sneak up on my still
I LOVE this post Tina! It’s too easy to talk about your shortcomings, and too hard to talk about your strengths.
I am strong, intelligent, determined, and a really caring person.
One time at Weight Watchers we had to do this exercise where you say a compliment to the person sitting next to you, and then all they can say back is “Thank you”, not “thank you BUT…” It was SO much harder than it should have been not to downplay the compliment!
You ROCK hard core too! Amazing post lady bug! 😀
I love this!!! My strengths are loyalty, honesty, a fierce love for my children, and I stand behind my faith too. I’m a much better cook nowdays than I was even 5 years ago. And I get along with just about everybody. 😀
It was fun to read everybody else’s comments!
Hi Tina, I’m new to your blog and have only been reading for a few weeks. I just wanted to tell you how refreshing and honest I find your writing. I too have a baby boy and little girl at home and I also am a recovering binge eater. Nothing challenges you to look inside yourself more than your children and I am on a mission to be the best version of myself so that my kids grow up with a strong and confident Mommy. You have brought me to tears several times in the last few weeks by expressing things that I feel but have never been able to put into words. I just did my first 10K last weekend and can’t wait to hear about yours! Thank you so much for being so honest and inspiring!
You made my day! Thank you SO much for your comment. 🙂
Love love love this post. I’m so glad that I found your blog!
I love this – I think its important to recognize our strengths and give ourselves some credit.
Mine include my sense of humor, my ability to get over stressors quickly and move on. Im also very self aware. I always have been – even during my eating disorder. My therapist commented on how unusual that was, but I’ve always known exactly who I am. I love that about myself.
You are amazing! Thanks you for your witness and inspiration! Love you!
I love this Tina! & this was an awesome way to inspire others to look more at the positives rather than the negatives, because I definitely do the same!
You are so right–we often shy away from compliments!
What a sweet post!! Love it! 🙂
I love my husband well. I love my God well. I love people well.
Love this post! I’m going to be emailing you back this afternoon!
I feel like this is the missing piece to my post today & I absolutely love that you are opening up this empowering discussion. We should not feel boastful for being amazing at certain things & acknowledging it!
I am a great writer.
I am incredibly flexible and have been able to do poses that none of my yoga instructors could.
I love unconditionally and don’t have a hard time forgiving if I know the person is sincere.
I have the ability to laugh at myself and to not take myself too seriously.
This made me smile at work, and even though I’m really busy I just HAD to comment.
I work REALLY hard no matter what I do.
I’m a good listener.
I’m a true friend.
I’m a good cook.
I’m good at what I do – law school – and can’t wait to get into the real world of being an attorney!
Haha! I needed to comment if only to tell you how much alike you look with M in that picture after you talk about your sense of humor! Amazing! 🙂 This is a great post! I am totally verbal about me being ridiculously smart and beautiful. Now I just need to find a second person to back me up! 😛
Love this post.
I have gone from couch potato to exercise enthusiast I have introduced my family to a healthier lifestyle
I have been willing to let God into my life and through my faith have become a happier, kinder person.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! So glad you love this post, Us women need to love ourselves and be pround a lot more often! I love that I have great determination and willpower. If I want to do something I will try my best. 🙂
I loved this post! We all need to love ourselves and honor ourselves for what we are made to do, for our strengths. I also realize that so many woman put themselves down, and are so reluctant to receive a compliment from others. We all are beautiful and we all have our own strengths, I love that you have embraced yours!
For me: I love that I am proud of my faith, my individuality, and my determination once I set my mind on something!
When the going gets tough, I get tougher.
And I’m a great dancer 🙂
Awesome–I love to see you declaring your strengths! Your vulnerability, transparency, sincerity, are strengths too.
And no more saying you’re not talented, ok?
Tina, yes yes yes!!! I totally agree with all your strengths sista! this was a beautiful post. In a tough world, it’s easy to bring up the negative and tragic, but how much more rewarding is it to be confident and bring up the beautiful? 😀
Love this. Things I love about myself? I forgive others, I’m loyal to my friends, I’m smart and I have pretty eyes 🙂
Love this post Tina! Can’t wait to email you 🙂
I can eat half a box of cereal for lunch on a Wednesday afternoon. Now is that strength or what?!
I think my biggest strength is how independent I am!
LOVE THIS, TINA! You are one amazing woman, and I love that you’re owning it! I’m owning my awesomeness more and more, too! I’m l learning that it’s GOOD to celebrate myself! My husband always tells me wonderful things and compliments me ALL the time…and I struggle to accept all the nice things he says. I’m getting there, though! Now I just say, “Thank you!” Not all the time, but increasingly. 🙂
I am passionate, loving, strong, smart, love deep conversations, love God, positive to a fault, and I always have fun and make the most of everything. 🙂
Thank you for this encouraging post. You’re fab. 🙂