And The Irony Continues
Ohhhh, I can’t get enough of today. Let’s backtrack a bit…
- I posted about “making the day a good one”.
- I spilled oats all over the floor and found little icky bugs in our pantry.
- I had to go full circle and take my own advice from this morning’s post.
Full circle means it should have ended there right? Ha! Hahahahahahaha!
Good thing I can laugh at myself!
After things settled down from the oat and bug fiasco, I got the kids and I packed up. We had someone special to visit.
I have the BEST husband in the world! Peter offered to use his lunch break to watch the kids and let me get my run finished earlier in the day. That way I wouldn’t have to go after he gets home from work and we could have more time together as a family. You better believe I scooped that offer right up!
I picked him up from work and drove a couple minutes down the road to a park and running path – a path similar to the one I run on regularly by house. A one-way, out and back type of path. A path you should not get lost on.
Me? I got lost.
After about 2.5 miles, I came to a few forks in the path. I thought it was weird since these trails are usually out and back, like I mentioned. I followed the “Greenway” arrow and went along my merry way. Suddenly things started to look familiar. Too familiar. When I hit the same parking lot I just passed, I knew I did something wrong.
I went the opposite direction when the path forked again…but it took me up to the main road and away from the greenway. Oooookkkaaayyy.
Try again. And I’m back at the parking lot again.
Apparently the path ended in a loop and I had no idea, so ran around in circles a good four times. #winning
At least I had a good run!
I apparently needed those four extra laps because my run ended right at 6 miles. Plus, I hit six miles in under 50 minutes for the second week in a row!
By the time all was said and done there, the kids needed naps. I came home and got them settled down. I showered, stretched, ate some lunch, and grabbed my netbook to settle in for some work.
Then…in one of those slow motion moments, I watched my netbook leap from my way too clumsy hands and drop to the floor. Noooooooo!
After putting the battery back in and giving it a look over, I started her up. Things seemed okay…but nothing worked at first. NO Windows Live Writer. NO Picasa. No Internet Explorer. NO other programs. EGAH!!!! I tried restarting it and a miracle occurred. Everything seems to work fine again after the restart. Thank goodness! Here’s hoping I don’t suddenly have it crapping out on me. And that my fingers decide to develop some sort of traction so I can actually hold onto things! Sheesh! What a day. But, it was funny. And it was good.
- Can you easily laugh at yourself?
- Do you have good or bad directional skills?