Not Feeling It
I went to the gym this morning after pulling some teeth to get there. And no – it wasn’t the kiddos who needed a little convincing. I did.
And apparently I needed a nap too? Ah, the joys of self-timer pictures.
Tuesday morning’s routine usually calls for a weights workout and whatever cardio I’m feeling that day. Generally I could take or leave the cardio portion and get all sorts of excited to whip out a new workout pumping some iron. It’s how I get “bitchin’ arms”. <--- I promise I’m not vain…just a shout out to Heather and the calamity she started in the #HLS Twitter feed during our panel. Talk about unexpected feedback.
Well, these arms turned into “bitchin’ and moanin’ arms” at the thought of picking up a weight. That..or the painful bowling balls I have sitting on my chest right now thanks to weaning made weights sound like a no go. I wonder why FitSugar didn’t think to include that as an event that sabotages your workout? Hmmm…
I considered just scrapping the workout all together because I didn’t want to do weights, but then remembered Beth’s “all or nothing” post from yesterday and knew I would feel better getting in at least the cardio portion of my workout. Plus, I could use the mental release and escape with all the emotional stuff going on recently. Forty distracting minutes on the elliptical later and I felt much better.
Kind of like how it felt good to succumb to the mindless distractions after getting home from the hospital last night.
Google Reader. Best time suck for mindless entertainment out there.
I guess the whole weight training motivation passed me by then too. You see…I should have taken the time to study for a pretty important test I hope to take in November.
In fact, I haven’t really touched my personal training study materials since a week before leaving for the Healthy Living Summit. I needed to prepare for my trip. Then I needed to catch myself up with the inevitable pile of to-dos that comes with going out of town. Then I took off running with the million new ideas for the blog that I had to take a crack at because it is my number one work love (if you don’t count the mom job).
I had high hopes of getting back on a good study routine last night…but my mind wanted mindless entertainment and to not think about muscle synergies and optimal training systems. But it’s time to suck it up, buttercup! Heck, I actually like the material and find it incredibly interesting. I can’t be a slacker forever. Especially since I look forward to training clients via an online platform someday in the (hopefully not too distant) future. I guess I’m just in the ebb part of studying…hopefully it will get flowing again soon!
- What “time suck” do you find yourself drawn to for mindless entertainment?
- What have you slacked on lately?