A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words
Posted: July 12, 2011 at 4:00 pmI have had this blog for just shy of a year and a half. Kind of crazy to think! I have written almost 900 posts and definitely given my fair share of photos and words. The blog captures so much that I can go back and find with a simple search – including things I don’t anticipate finding.
When writing my post for this morning, I needed a “hissy fit” image to go along with my post. Instead of scouring files on my computer or trying to get a useful hit from WordPress’ crappy search, I went to trusty ole Google for a site search. Basically – enter site:blahblahblah.com and the topic you’re searching in the bar to get more effective results. It works for me at least! Plus, when I search “site:faithfitnessfun.com hissy fit” for images, I end up with a whole plethora of other memories and pictures.
Instead of getting wordy, I’ll let the pictures do the talking this afternoon as we take a walk down FFF memory lane. 🙂
Still remember how surreal it felt to open up Fitness Magazine and see myself!
Oh, Yea…I Used To Be Blonde!
Good thing I decided to dye my hair back to my natural color, don’t you think?
Images like this almost make me ready to part with summer and say hello to fall.
Subliminal Messaging
Apparently I needed an extra hint after my recent dose of crazy.
5 months pregnant. Body shot from the belly. Yea…you will have to read that one if you missed it.
2 Years Ago I Began Training For THIS…
And while I’m glad I completed that goal, I have absolutely NO desire for another fitness competition.
Bahahahaha!!!! There Are No Words
I don’t remember the reasoning behind this one but oh what a gem to find!
Oh, yea! The whole tic on the hoo-ha story!
No! Not that kind of sex! The cake I made with the inside dyed blue to tell my family that we were having a boy. So much fun. I love the surprise on their faces.
Oh, Baby!!!
I forgot about that belly!!!! But worth it for the next picture…
Still Melts My Heart
Oh. Couldn’t you just stare at that cuteness ALL DAY?!
- How often do you go back and look at old pictures? What about old posts if you blog?
Tags: miscellaneous
Love this post! I’ve been looking at old pictures as I find them cleaning and pack and it’s been such a fun… and interetsting trip down memory lane!
Oh my gosh, that last picture! Adorable!
What a great recap of some wonderful memories.
I think your hair looks great blonde, actually!
I also think I need some of that Halloween bark — I just got a MAD craving for candy corn. Mmmm….
(PS I can’t wait to be a momma 😉 )
Candy corn = my favorite candy of all time. Good thing it is only available during halloween season!
Aw I love looking at old pictures! Especially ones of my growing up…they always evoke such happy memories because I don’t think we have pics of sad events occurring.
What a cool idea for a post! 🙂 That Halloween bark almost makes me want to say goodbye to summer too!
I don’t frequently look back at old pictures, but I do love rereading all the cards/letters my husband has given me. They just make my heart all melty every time I read them!
I like to go back on the weekends and see what all I did a week ago last year…it feels like I’ve still only been blogging for a couple months even though it’s been longer!
Awwwwwwwwwww that is a beautiful picture of your bitty baby! They grow fast, don’t they?
Ahh! I love these pictures! So cool. I have done that too and my favorites are almost ALWAYS from summer!! They just make me smile big.
Tina these pictures are awesome — I love the one of your husband with the drawings all over him. How hilarious.
I love to look at older pictures — that is one thing I really like about Facebook — I can look at wedding pictures, pictures of my nieces and nephew, etc. It is a great way to spend some time.
Love, love, love looking back at old pictures. Somehow it TAKES forever though (maybe because I get lost in the moments). I wish I was better organized and could find the ones I wanted easily. 🙂
PS- you look great with any color hair!!!! 🙂
Honestly, some of those pictures really cracked me up! Thanks for giving me a good laugh!
I love browsing my old blog posts once in a while. It’s like a diary. How fun!
I look at old pictures quite often, actually. It’s most often when I’m looking for photos for a particular post and then end up scrolling through all of my old albums. It’s kind of fun, right?
That’s what happens to me too. I can get lost in pictures so easily.
ohhh how precious! I wish I had time to go back and read every post right now. You looked so happy in that pregnant picture! And that baby picture…how incredibly sweet.
I haven’t event been blogging that long and already, I go back and read my posts. It’s fun to just think about where I was a few months ago from where I am now. I can’t imagine a couple years down the road
Congrats girl…thats awesome!!
oh my gosh! I could stare at that last picture all day!!! I love how they look like little creatures.
Love all the pictures and am still in awe of your commitment and how wonderful this blog is. Often I don’t comment because there are so many comments (lousy reason, I know).
But I even dreamed of you last night, no idea why.
And then this wonderful summary of your blog…
I wish you all the success you deserve.
I read every comment and appreciate whenever I get the chance to connect. So thanks for commenting on this post! 🙂
I have dreams with other bloggers in them all the time. I guess when we know so much about each other its inevitable. LOL
I love looking back and remembering!
That last picture is just too too too much! What a sweetheart!
Squee!!! That last pictures just melts my heart- so precious!!
Okay, you totally read my mind. I just went back through some old posts.. and I kind of cringed to be perfectly honest! Especially before i really found my “style” and “voice”!!
I love seeing pictures on others blog, truly speaks volume about the person writing it. The last picture is so so adorable!
That last picture is ridiculously adorable. I actually just opened up an old photo album on Sunday for the first time in several months. I love looking at the super old pictures from when I was like 1-7. Definitely flipped pretty quickly through 8-10, though: that was my awkward stage. Like whoa. It’s no wonder I had like one friend hahahaha.
I love going back and looking at pictures. It’s so much fun!
oh my gosh!! i love this recap! love the pics and seeing you through the years 🙂
Oh my! Where does time goes, really? My irrelevant observation of the post: I still think you would look good as a red head. Just an idea in case you decide to have your hair dyed again 🙂
I had NO IDEA you did fitness competitions!!! Wow, I am awed by you ever day lady! 🙂
such a cute post! I love looking back through old pictures…especially of my kids, it’s crazy how fast they change!
I love old posts!!!! I can’t believe you were in ftness- so cool!!
Awwwww love going down memory lane with you 🙂
I LOVE looking back at old photos. Especially those from the beginning of my relationship with Billy! Makes me smile every time. And having the blog is an amazing memory, too – especially for my travel/wedding posts. 🙂
I love looking back at old pics of Peter and I too. It’s fun to see how things have grown but are still so similar 🙂
What a clever way to tell your family the sex of your baby! These picture recaps are great!
Given that I’m only 6 months into this whole blog thing, I don’t really look at old posts…will be fun further down the line though I think.
I cringe at old posts, even though I’m not much better now, hee hee. But I love looking at my baby pictures, esp my brother’s, who was the cutest baby ever.
Loved traveling into your personal history with you! 🙂
Love memories like this! So much fun to look back at old stuff.
Yeah, I look back at old pictures relatively often. 🙂
And I do look back at my old posts, especially if I’m trying to find a post about something I’ve already written about. But sometimes I just like to look back at what I’ve already posted and see how I’ve grown, you know?
I love these pictures :). I haven’t been reading very long but it was nice, like I got a little peak into your life! It’s so awesome to look back at old pictures and relive different times of your life, too.
I also just started reading your blog a few weeks ago, so I love that you use some photos from past posts. They’re new to me!
I went scouring through your blog last night to read more about your pregnancy with Braedon after having some major exercise during pregnancy anxiety. It was fun looking back on your pregnancy just a few short months ago and seeing how you felt in relation to how I’m feeling now.
And that is the CUTEST picture of Braedon ever! He is a doll!
What a fun flashback post. 🙂 That picture of Braedon–yes I could stare at that cuteness all day! So adorable.
I actually love your hair blonde. It looks great both ways.
I love to look back at old pictures, but I never really read my old blog posts.
[…] too as a walk down memory lane. She had a more specific approach than my purely random, laziness. Check out her post here! (While you are at it, check all of her posts […]