Self-Love Reflections: Worth

Posted: July 24, 2011 at 2:00 pm

Through the first half of this year, every Sunday has revolved around one of the self-love messages I originally posted in the 30 Days of Self Love Movement from last September. This post was my favorite to write in this series because it embodied everything we discussed. I still hold these hopes for all of you today…as well as myself. Let us continue to grow in our strengths, deepen our love for ourselves, and further believe in our worth. Thank you for being a part of FFF and helping me do all of those on a daily basis.

I long for us all to fully believe we hold so much value, so we may go out and live our lives with the beauty that unmistakably defines us. You are worthy because:

Your body does miraculous things. It carries you through life and gives you the physical capacity to do many things you love. It provides health and vitality to enjoy all life has to offer. Your body is pretty freaking awesome!! Never forget the gifts of your body.

 exposed copy 
image from my Exposed Movement post

Remember that those body parts which share so many gifts are also gorgeous as well. Even if they don’t fit in with the standards of society, they are still beautiful. Our unique physical attributes make us lovely.

Even more beautiful than all of that, however, is what makes up who we are. None of us are perfect, but all of us are wonderful. We each have our own strengths which can help uplift others. We each have our own passions, which can make life more exciting.We each have something to offer the world.


I pray you strive to drain every drop of sweetness from life. You deserve it.  Always remember to see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe you have the strength and will to reach it. Take joy in every day because you have the power to find it and claim it for your own. Don’t let trivial matters of numbers and physical appearance define you. Refuse to lose your life in a search for control, a denial of forgiveness, or fear to try new challenges. Live so you may love yourself. And then love yourself more, so you may live more. That is my wish for you. To let it really sink in, listen to this song if you can. It’s how I feel for each of you.

Love, Tina


23 Comments to “Self-Love Reflections: Worth”
  1. Oh how this spoke to me!!!

  2. What a beautiful entry– and something that I really needed at this particular moment.

    Thank you for sharing your strength through this blog. I truly look forward to your inspiring posts 🙂 You are absolutely stunning, inside and out!

  3. another beautiful post in this series. thanks for continuing to spread such a wonderful message to those of us who need these reminders from time to time!

  4. beautiful post! this made my day 🙂

  5. Wow, Tina what a powerful post! You are using your blog to help so many people…it’s really inspiring. I loved reading the words of the Rascall Flatts song. Thanks for this:)

  6. Love that song. Beautiful post, Tina!

  7. Your posts are always really great! They all speak to me on some level and I love that! This post especially reminds me to value myself and love everything about who I am :).

  8. Thank you so much for this beautiful and encouraging message Tina. It has truly been one of the highlights of my day.

    I was talking with one of the seniors in my church today and he said that it’s been calculated that over 100 billion people have been born since Adam & Eve. From there he reminded me that each person is a unique creation. We have an amazing God!

  9. Beautiful post, as always. You are truly inspiring!

  10. Chelsea says:

    I love this!! I have to continually remind myself that when I constantly ciriticize myself that I am criticizing the Image in which I was fearfully and wonderfully made! You’re amazing!

  11. Natalie says:

    You are such an inspiration to so many people! I’m one of them. I’m so thankful to have found your blog. Your words are encouraging, uplifting, and genuine! Thank you for your transparency and honesty! You are a beautiful and remarkable person and you make me feel beautiful and remarkable too! Thanks!!

  12. Anna says:

    Thank you so much for posting this. Your words and posts are so uplifting. This really got to my heart.

  13. I LOVE this Tina, you are so beautiful. I especially like what you said that “None of us are perfect but all of us are wonderful.” I think that’s something we all need to remember in our daily life.

  14. This post brought a tear to my eye!!
    You’re beautiful and such an inspiration 🙂

  15. This is a pretty awesome post Tina. I never saw that “gifts of your body” picture before, what a great way to celebrate all that our bodies do for us!

  16. Tina that’s an awesome contribution to the Exposed Movement!

  17. Love this post. Thank you for reminding us not to be so hard on ourselves!

  18. you’re so sweet and inspiring girl =) LOVE this post!

  19. Ali says:

    What a terrific post. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful for our bodies and all they do for us. It’s so easy to find fault and be critical but truly… we are blessed for everything we can do!

  20. Danica says:

    Tina, this post is fantastic. Thank you for making me and everyone who reads this feel inspired, confident, thankful, empowered, and WORTHY. You’re amazing.

  21. katie says:

    LOVE THIS! Your amazing Tina! And and inspiration! 🙂 xoxo

  22. Amy says:

    This post is wonderful, thank you so much for all those positive messages all together 🙂
    A beautiful reminder that we might not be perfect and we don’t have to be, we just have to be perfectly true to ourselves 🙂
    Thanks Tina!

  23. Tina, again I just started my morning feeling so blessed and encouraged by reading your blog! Thank you for your inspiration and reminder of what’s important! 🙂

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