It’s Pretty Baller

Posted: August 24, 2011 at 1:00 pm

Last night I posted ten of my “running tips” that helped me get started running. You all dove right in there with some other awesome tips to share! Some favorites:

Yep. You all are AWESOME! And I have to add here too – in no way do I think running is the only path to fitness or that if you don’t run, you’re like the ice baths and bite monkey butt. I love a variety of fitness and truly believe that if you do something active that betters your health – you’re killing it. And if you do run, at any pace, you’re a runner. Plain and simple. Smile 

I had to take some of these running tips on the road with me this morning. Let’s just say that a six mile tempo run did not sound like the most welcoming idea this morning. I had trouble getting to sleep last night and didn’t sleep all that well. Plus, I have yet to have a tempo run longer than five miles and that extra mile just seemed daunting. I decided there was nothing to do but get out there and go for it. It would be a challenge, but I can rise to the challenge.

6 mile tempo run

Well, that went much better than expected! I did a one mile warm up and then my four tempo miles – 8:37 / 8:33 / 8:21 / 8:15 – and finally finished with a mile cool down. My body never ceases to amaze me.

In my panel discussion on the The Numbers Game (did you catch Part 1 of the recap?), we discussed a lot about choosing which numbers work the best personally as a motivational tool. I definitely find great use in numbers with my fitness related goals. Each workout gives me some feedback on my progress and when I look at the overall trends, I can see progress in my health. I can see how far I have come and think “yea…it’s pretty baller that I can run six miles!!”.


Fitness related numbers always inspire me. I believe it’s because when focusing on things like mileage, pace, sets of exercises, number of workouts accomplished or spin classes attended, the emphasis lies in what my body can DO. Not what it looks like or how much it weighs. That distinction opened up my ability to love and appreciate myself so much more. The body is a pretty cool thing when you really stop to think about it. God did a pretty good job working it all together, don’t you think? Smile 

I hope you get the chance to witness your powerful body in action today and think of every accomplishment it has helped you make. Rise to any challenge and believe in yourself. And now tell me…

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36 Comments to “It’s Pretty Baller”
  1. GREAT RUN!!! Your pace is awesome!

    “It’s pretty baller that I can”….RUN with TWO dogs 🙂

  2. Great job on your run Tina — and I love the other tips readers included!

    Its pretty baller that I ran a marathon!

  3. Jess says:

    I loved Heather’s tip – don’t think, just run. I carry that one with me often. Letting go and just being in that running moment is so precious to me.

    To answer your question…”It’s pretty baller that I can run. Period.”

  4. do 25 unassisted pullups!! ohh yea.took me a lonnnnggg time to get to this point and very proud of the consistent hard work 🙂

  5. It’s pretty baller that my body is training for a marathon and tolerating it well at this point!!

  6. Maria says:

    What an awesome tempo run! Those things always intimidate me, but they feel so great afterwards!

    Its pretty baller that I can do 2 real chin-ups. Where did those come from?

  7. You rocked that run! I just finished up my 4 mile tempo run on the treadmill. It’s a lot easier when you can just plug the pace in and not worry about it fluctuating like when you’re outside but I still prefer outside running any day to the treadmill.
    It’s pretty baller that I can now do 20 pushups in a row. Real ones, not the girly kind!

  8. It’s pretty baller that I can run 26.2 miles! I am still in awe of the fact that I’ve run marathons. I don’t care how slow they were. 🙂

    P.S. Did you really say you were afraid to run because you’re NOT fast? I’d kill for 8 minute miles!

    • Tina says:

      That’s what I used to think. Now I feel great about my progress. But way back when I thought if I couldn’t do super duper impressive awesome like pros it wasn’t worht it. I was crazy!

  9. It’s pretty baller I can do a pull up!

  10. Liz says:

    It’s pretty baller that I ran 16 miles before work today!

    (of course I was ready for a nap by 2 pm)

  11. Wendy says:

    …deadlift 250 lbs. I <3 my strong muscles. 🙂

  12. You ARE pretty baller!!
    I’m a baller because I can run a 21 minute 5k!

  13. Erica says:

    Whoop on the run! I am starting to pickup speed a litttttle bit again and it feels so good (I think thats pretty baller ;)). Hope you have a nice afternoon

  14. Rachel says:

    it’s pretty baller that i can live without my eating disorder!
    and it’s pretty baller that God loves me more than i could possibly imagine… i can’t actually imagine anything more baller than having Him in my life!!

  15. Rach says:

    Great run! And I love the advice from your other readers. 🙂

  16. Erin says:

    Hi Tina, I love the fist pump btw!

    I used to get frusted when I started off running and heard about other peole’s times, especially people who were new to running or not in “great” shape. At the beginning I let myself get distracted by other’s numbers and then I had the best run of my life a few weeks ago and I stopped comparing myself.

    Suddenly I realized that it didn’t matter, at all, how fast someone else could run a 5K. All that mattered was that I kept going and did MY personal best.

    Today I had another great run and at the end I kept thinking, I am so grateful to be able to run.

  17. It’s pretty baller that my body can sustain another life!

    I love the fist pump picture. You look so happy.

  18. Katie says:

    It’s pretty baller that a year and a half ago I’d never run more than a mile, and now I’m training for a half marathon!

  19. Katie says:

    It’s pretty baller that I ran 10 miles this morning. My longest distance yet, and I’ve registered for my first half marathon ever in October! I’m in a happpier frame of mind and healthier than i was just 2 months ago!

  20. Michelle Fritzler says:

    Love the fist pumpin’ Tina!

    It’s pretty baller that I can run 60 miles a week while pushing my 10 month old in the jogging stroller!

    It’s pretty baller when I pass a guy while I am pushing the jogging stroller! They all of a sudden speed up, I guess their ego can’t take a mom passing them while pushing a jogging stroller 🙂

  21. Claire says:

    Thanks for the comment on my post, Tina! Also, I love this post with running tips! I am going to try to do my first 10K (Pumpkin Fest 10k) and can use anyyy advice I can get! Keep up the awesome work 🙂

  22. Tina, you’re killing me with all these good posts! Seriously. I’m in love with this one. I love how you talked about using numbers to focus on what your body can do. It’s weird, because I work out pretty regularly, but I don’t think I’ve ever looked back at a workout and thought, “Wow, look at what my body just did!” That’s SUCH a positive attitude, and it’s definitely something I want to work on incorporating into my life. I think it’d give me a lot healthier outlook.

  23. Great tips! and i LOVE that picture of you fist bumpin 🙂

  24. Khushboo says:

    Nice one on the run- great pace! It’s pretty baller than I ran 4.5 miles this morning even though I had only planned 3!

  25. Thanks for the love on your post! You are truly inspiring.

    Confession: I fist pump on the treadmill when I get to a nice number. I also use positive self-talk to get me through long runs. Thank the Lord that I have a home gym.

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