delightful day

Posted: November 24, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I know many of you out there may already have holiday festivities under way, but I still had to share my day with those of you chilling with some blog reading. It’s one of my favorite ways to unwind too. 😉

After my major overhaul cleaning this morning and debating the Facebook page, I set out for a very nice day. First up I had my 8 month appointment at the doctor’s office. Once again, everything checks out well but the midwife did show concern about my mention of the increasing Braxton Hicks contractions and the few more painful ones I had last week. She said to still follow the original advice of drinking water and laying down when I feel them, but then proceeded to tell me I needed to pay very close attention to them because we have to get me to at least 36 weeks. I’m ready to meet baby B, but only four weeks from now seems a little soon. Eep! Hang tight baby B, and stop hurting your momma.

Of course I will include the obligatory 8 month belly picture for you all…


After my appointment I had some time to catch up on emails and blog reading with a simple, delightful lunch.


A whole wheat tortilla with black beans, corn, fresh salsa, cheese, and lettuce. Plus, a Honeycrisp apple with honey greek yogurt on the side.

The afternoon only got better from there. I had a prenatal massage to get to!


My parents gave me this gift certificate for my birthday and I waited to use it until nearer the end of pregnancy. Good decision since discomfort only increases at this point. The massage was just what I needed – calming, yet tough enough to relieve the tension in my neck, shoulders, and lower back. Plus, no getting rubbed raw through a sheet. 😉 I could have stayed for another hour of just getting my hands, feet, and head rubbed. Those are my favorite part of any massage, but they didn’t get as much time today since she focused on my painful spots. Maybe the night will keep getting better and I can finagle a foot massage from Peter. One can hope!

Now, time to live it up with my family who is staying with us tonight. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  • What is your favorite place to get massaged? Okay, that sounds dirty…but you know what I mean.
  • How was your day? Did you have to work? Did you travel?

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23 Comments to “delightful day”
  1. Looking good!! Have a great Thanksgiving, Tina!

  2. I love getting my lower back massaged. You are looking great and I am so glad your appointment went well!

  3. Becca says:

    Glad the appt. went well, and that you got to relax a bit! Have a happy Thanksgiving! =)

    Ummmm… I like back massages. 🙂 (Can’t stand people touching my feet, though. Tickles too much!!)

    Today went okay for me, except for being freaked out driving in the snow to and from school. No working, and not doing any traveling! Family’s coming here! There’ll be about a dozen or so of us tomorrow (that’s not even HALF of my mom’s side; thank goodness!), and I’m excited! I’m just hoping the weather cooperates enough for them all to get here safely. Sounds like my Girls’ Night tonight with the college friends may not happen, which makes me upset, but I’d be even more upset if they got into an accident driving here or home. =(

  4. It seems like only yesterday you were announcing that you were pregnant again! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. chelsey says:

    I love massages – honestly, if I could have one weekly, i totally would. My favorite part – right in between my shoulder blades and up through my neck. or my feet. <3 it!!!

    I had a great day – no working, lots of prepping!! 🙂

  6. love the baby bump! Pregnancy suits you 🙂

  7. Still laughing my butt off at “Your favorite place to get massaged” I love it!!! I’ve never had a real massage before 🙁 I’m a little skeeved out by some random touching me.

    I had to work today and have to work Friday which stinks. My family is in South Florida so I travel there for Christmas but am always adopted by someone here for Thanksgiving.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving!!

  8. Katie Smothers says:

    Aw, you look so cute!!!! First off, Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you and your family have a great day with lots of relaxing and yummy eating!!!!

    Well, my favorite place to get a massage is really hard to choose — I could literally be rubbed ALL DAY LONG!!!! I LOVE it. Hands, feet, my head, shoulders… ahh.. you name it!!! Now, it does sound dirty, and some other honest person will agree with me, but having your butt massaged it the BEST!!!! Not in a perverted way, just a good butt cheek massage!!!!!! I know someone else out there will agree!!!!!

    Well –thats all I have now… I think I shared enough!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

    • Tina says:

      I know what you mean, don’t worry! In fact I was kind of bummed she didn’t go there at all. In my last prenatal they did a lot of work on the sciatic area which I needed. I missed it this time. At least I know that’s an area I will have no problems getting Peter to rub. LOL

      Have a fabulous Thanksgiving, Katie! Give the little one a hug from me. She’s so cute!

  9. Lee says:

    Glad you had a nice massage. My favorite place to get massaged is my upper back/shoulders. I always have knots there from sitting at my desk all day.

    Have a great Thanksgiving, Tina!

  10. What is your favorite place to get massaged?
    -Oh my feet definitely. I remember with great fondness the one foot massage and spa pedi I have had. Remember them with vivid clarity. Mmm, relaxation.

    How was your day? Did you have to work? Did you travel?
    -Today was my son’s 6th birthday. I made him banana bread and a smoothie for breakfast, and then we went to see Tangled with his cousin and my sister. Now, he is “sleeping” (HA!), and I am going to work out & finish my preps for tomorrow.

  11. P.S. You are looking great!

  12. At 8 months pregnant, you SO deserved that massage! Happy to hear all is still well with Baby B 🙂 Have a wonderful holiday with your family!

  13. Sounds like a good day! I LOVE massages ~ usually only get probably 1-2 a year, but they are the best!!! Happy Thanksgiving! Just think – this time next year you’ll almost have a 1 year old!

  14. You make such a cute pregnant person! I love the belly shot! 🙂

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  15. Anna says:

    I love having my back massaged but also enjoy my arms and hands. My dad is a chiropractor and my mom gives massages so I love going home to visit 🙂

  16. Camille says:

    I am definitely a back and shoulder massage kind of girl. And now you have me thinking about how badly I want a massage.
    Thank goodness my boyfriend has to do whatever I say for the next few days since Sunday is my birthday… aka, this is my weekend 🙂

  17. Julia says:

    Love the baby bump picture! And a massage sounds like just what you needed! Glad it was good! Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

  18. Astrid says:

    My favorite massages have been at Kripalu, a yoga retreat center in western Massachusetts. I adore a good massage, especially a good foot massage. I haven’t had a pro massage in a long time. Maybe I’ll treat myself to one for an x-mas present. Wait a sec…did you mean place on your body? If so, then I have to say my feet!!

    • Tina says:

      I’m still so spoiled by a place I had to get massages after I had a car accident in high school. They were a medical spa and SO nice! They had a eucalyptus hot tub to use before and after your massage, always included a free 10-15 minute foot massage, then the full hour body massage. They were GOOD. Too bad they are sooooooo expensive.

  19. Ela says:

    Yesterday was another travel day. Today, family and friends and much food prep. At least we’re home now!

    Beautiful pregnant belly, and you sound lighthearted and upbeat today. I hope that’s how you do feel.

    Happy thanksgiving and thank you for all the reminders to feel good and loving about self and life.

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