
Posted: February 21, 2011 at 11:55 am

Catching up from the weekend? Check out these posts!

Remember my goal from last week? I wanted to get the weekend’s to-dos finished on Saturdays so that I could fully enjoy Sundays as a rest day to recuperate. Well, I had complete success this weekend!

I got in my workout for the day (Cathe’s Low Max DVD) Saturday morning so I could have the afternoon completely open. Then, after the birthday party and getting the kids down for a nap, I used the afternoon for some productivity – like grocery shopping and cleaning. I got it all done!

Then, Saturday night we played. We remembered that we had a Groupon coupon expiring we had to use up this weekend. I didn’t mind. It meant pizza and frozen yogurt for dinner! AND getting out of the house to do something together besides visiting family and walks. I, of course, enjoy those things but there’s something about going out out, like to dinner, as a family.

peter and m

For dinner, we hit up Mellow Mushroom. Makenzie loved all of the psychedelic decorations.

 mellow mushroom 1 mellow mushroom 2

They obviously excited Braedon as well. No?

braedon mellow mushroom

We all, besides Braedon, loved the pizza. We kept it simple with half cheese and half olives + mushrooms. You can guess my side.

 pizza slice

I had 1.5 of the large slices and then saved room for dessert. Yogli Mogli frozen yogurt!

 yogli mogli

I was in a chocolatey sweet kind of mood so I went for a mix up of flavors. I got a small bit of cake batter, cappuccino, and peanut butter flavors with a sprinkling of butterfinger, white chocolate chips, and pb cups as toppings. I told you I was in a sweet mood! And I didn’t mind one bit. 😀

With as busy as Saturday was, Sunday came very appreciated. Without having to lead Sunday school right now we had a leisurely morning getting ready for church. We spent the morning at church and then came home for lunch and naps. That’s right. Instead of spending my Sunday afternoon running around, I hung out in bed relaxing with my husband. The remainder of the day included a visit with my brother- & sister-in-law who live in our neighborhood, eating our last care meal for dinner (no cooking!), and watching a movie (Couples Retreat – surprisingly cute) on the couch. And to top it all off? B only woke up once again last night. I’m a happy, refreshed woman today!

Question of the Day – How did you relax this weekend?

***ATLANTA BLOGGERS: We are having a blogger meet-up on Saturday, March 12th for dinner. E-mail me if you are interested in the details and would like to attend! 🙂

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48 Comments to “Success”
  1. sounds like the perfect weekend to me! i had a crazy weekend, but saturday night i was in bed by 730 ( yes, 730…) because i was exhausted from lack of sleep the 3 nights before. i finally slept well and it was glorious!

  2. Sarah says:

    Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a weekend.
    I relaxed this weekend by doing things I love- cooking, baking, practicing yoga, writing, and reading. It felt great!

  3. YAYAYA!!!!!!! So happy for you!! Im glad it worked out for you!! I was thinking about you all day on Saturday! Isn’t it the greatest?!?! You worked your schedule out just like I do/did. Sometimes I wont do the grocery shopping during naps w/o the Little. If she’s stir crazy I will let her nap then take her with me to go food shopping.

    And isnt Sunday’s rest days THE BEST!!! Sometimes, Ive been known to nap WITH Hailey!

    Sooo happy it worked for you and you enjoyed it!! Hope you can continue the trend!!


  4. So fun!

    We had the most inexpensive night out ever! We met up with a couple we haven’t seen in ages and went to dinner. We had an appetizer, but then didn’t notice that it took another 50 minutes to get our meals out. At which point the waiter said that our ENTIRE meal had been comped. So…yay for free! (other than a good tip for the blameless waiter)

  5. That’s awesome that you got to just relax on Sunday! I did a similar thing this weekend – got my long run in on Saturday so that yesterday was just up for grabs. I went to church then out to brunch, and then came home and made dinner and laid low. It was perfect.

  6. Good for you for relaxing and enjoying the weekend! I did indeed get some relaxing done and logging off as well. Nice change of pace.

  7. Sounds like a great weekend! We definitely relaxed and cleaned and baked and worked….it went by too fast. I hope you have a great day Tina!

  8. I’ve been CRAVING pizza lately like it’s nobody’s business, so that mere photo put me over the edge 😛 Maybe tonight’s the night…?!

  9. Heather says:

    What a great day! We watched Couples Retreat yesterday, too. Vince Vaughn is dreamy…… 🙂

  10. i visited my mom for the first time in almost 2 months (she lives about 2.5 hours away). we spent a lot of time just chatting and catching up while soaking in her hot tub. it was perfect! 🙂

  11. Melie says:

    Do you think it’s weird to get pizza at 9 am? Because I totally want some now…

  12. Oh my gosh that pizza looks awesome! I know what I’m craving for lunch now 🙂

  13. Dorry says:

    Sounds like a great weekend! I love the photos of Braedon. What an angel. My weekend was really low-key and I feel refreshed!

  14. Mmmm…I LOVE Mellow Mushroom! So glad you got to enjoy some great family time! My weekend was filled with “active”relaxation– dinner and lunch with friends, etc.

  15. I plopped on my couch and watched some Greys Anatomy season 1. and then did a 8 mile run (YAY!!)

  16. Way to go on a relaxing weekend! I mentioned Kelly Corrigan’s book The Middle Place a few days ago and am just catching up on commenting–the book is about the challenge of being a mom to your own kids while still being a daughter (and sometimes parent) to youd own kids. I highly recommend it–very touching.

  17. Yay for relaxing! I spent a great evening with my family for my dad’s 60th birthday this weekend. It was so much fun! 🙂

  18. I got my run done yesterday morning too so I would have the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted too! It was soo nice!

  19. I had a busy weekend but it was alot of fun, went to a couple festivals and spent time with the fam 🙂

    I LOVE mellow mushroom! Reminds me of college.

  20. LindseyAnn says:

    How did I relax? 3 words: hotel hot tub. 🙂 It was bliss. But then I hit a hockey game and got all fired up again.
    Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend!

  21. Now that is a lovely weekend! I spent my Sunday doing practice massages, homework, and visiting with two dear friends at two different times of the day, one who was in town from Boise that I haven’t seen for YEARS! It was busy but totally awesome 🙂

  22. Mandy says:

    Now I want some frozen yogurt 🙂

  23. Jolene says:

    Some of my relaxation this weekend came in the form of catching up on bloggy reads, like yours! I love to read about what everyone is doing and comment on those that resonate with me most.

  24. Rach says:

    That pizza looks delightful!

  25. Mandy says:

    Sounds like an AWESOME weekend! I think you found balance in your life!
    I also went to church Sunday and took a nap afterwards! I still had time to do some cleaning, baking and working out so it was a great Sunday!

  26. Good job reaching your goal of resting on Sunday! That has been my goal too, yesterday I totally failed, but there is always another weekend to try again.

  27. Cool pizza place! I relaxed by taking a nap on Saturday and Sunday!!! Actually on Saturday we took a family nap.. everyone even our 9 and 5 year old went down for naps!

  28. Jess says:

    I’m so glad you got to slow it on down on Sunday!! I was right there with you…not just Sunday but basically from Saturday until this very moment. I remained as disconnected as I could muster (which is hard for this crackberry addict) and was present with my loved ones. And I slowed way the heck down. It was EXACTLY what I needed. I’m so glad you got a dose of “slow” too!

  29. Amanda says:

    I love cake batter ice cream… yummm!!! For me, I didn’t get much relaxation on Saturday, but Sunday I just vegged. Well, okay, I made a ginormous batch of lentil soup then vegged. But the soup was good 🙂

  30. Monique says:

    oooh I love the redesign and the colors 🙂 pretty!!

  31. Helen says:

    You can’t beat pizza and yogurt that’s for sure 🙂

    So glad you were able to just relax and enjoy your sunday! May you have many more the same!

  32. Kat says:

    I was out of town this weekend – I relaxed by rolling without a set-plan. It made the whole adventure that much more wonderful.

    p.s. I LOVE that fro-yo can be healthy-ish or an absolute indulgence depending on your mood and what you put into it. Perfect Treat!

  33. This weekend wasn’t too relaxing for me actually – I felt so so busy! I guess I got to hang out on the couch a few nights after a long day of running around which was nice!

  34. Marie says:

    Peter looks so much like his Mom in this picture! Crazy eyes and all! Love it! I remember my first trip to Mellow Mushroom, I felt like I should of been doing drugs instead of eating pizza!

  35. Robyn says:

    Glad you had a great weekend and got all your to-dos checked off your list. That is alwasy an awesome feeling.

    W/ the major winter storm that dumped 14-16 inches of snow on us we had no relaxing this weekend. I did sneak in a Sunday nap.

  36. Looks like a fun place!

    This weekend was super relaxing! Spent time with my parents and nephew, stayed home to clean and finally tackle that garage with my hubs, and made a Costco trip. Lovely!

    • Tina says:

      Sounds like a productive weekend! And I get that that can be relaxing – to leisurely get things done with no pressure feels great.

  37. Looks like a fun day! I spent my Sunday mostly on the couch with my hubby and little one. Family bonding time is so much fun, but other times, we just need to rest and do a whole lot of nothing for awhile!

  38. Kristina says:

    Looks like a great wknd- much deserved for you! I want that slice of pizza!

  39. Pizza and fro-yo with the family sound like the perfect way to relax during the weekend. Glad you had some time to enjoy yourself 🙂 Last night I relaxed by having dinner with one of my good friends who just got back from Africa! We ordered out and caught up on Glee. It was perfect!

  40. Brittney says:

    I went to my parents’ house this weekend to hang out with my mom. We walked on the beach, went to Savannah for the day, and went out to eat a bunch of times. It was just what I needed and feel recharged 🙂

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