Happy 1 Year FFF

Posted: January 20, 2011 at 12:09 pm

On January 20, 2010 I opened up FFF on WordPress. I had sporadically blogged my competition prep for a couple months previously on a different blog, but wanted a fresh start with a site that reflected me more fully. Faith Fitness Fun was born after much time and consideration. With my first post I shared a chicken enchilada recipe.  I had no clue where that original post would lead me.

In the early months, I shared a lot of emotions revolving around trying to conceive our second childnot being able to pursue fitness goals, seeing another negative test, and sharing how I handled it all.

Eventually, we received that positive test and it thrilled me to share it with all of you. I even created a special vlog for it!

Over the course of the year, I documented various fun times – like our annual trip to Daytona Beach and a special trip to Philadelphia for a friend’s wedding.


In September, I started up the 30 Days of Self-Love here on FFF. It was such an amazing time of reflection and sharing. Now, the posts will republish one topic each week to continue these important discussions.


In October, I joined the Exposed Movement. I took an image of me in a bikini and imposed text over the image to show my true identity.

I also celebrated my little M’s second birthday. Hard for me to believe she is already a toddler!


I shared some posts just for fun over the past year – like my “dirty little secrets” or a video of me doing Turbo Jam while pregnant.

I openly discussed personal topics without hesitation: my period, my relationship with my dad, my weight pre/during/post pregnancy, and my experience with competing in a fitness competition.

I let the pregnancy emotions pour when I faced difficult moments with pregnancy body image and being told I couldn’t workout.

Although I covered my share of emotional or more serious topics, we had lots of fun here too. I hosted a holiday blogger gift exchange, told interesting stories about crying at Walmart, registered for my first blogging conference, and was featured in Fitness magazine.


As the blog grew, FFF branched out into new places – like applying to be a Team 4all blogger in 2011 (find out in a few weeks!).

I ended out the year on the highest of notes and welcomed the much anticipated baby B into my arms on 1/11/11.


I can’t wait to see where the future of FFF goes. Over the past year I have experienced so much through the blog. FFF has honestly brought so much to my life. More confidence. More growth as a person. More friendships. More hope. More passion. More fun. I’m ready to embrace another year – lived of course with faith, fitness, and fun. Who’s with me?!

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117 Comments to “Happy 1 Year FFF”
  1. Hi Tina!

    Congratulations on one year! I only started my blog in December and I’m enjoying it so much! I look forward to a one year anniversary. Thanks for being so open and honest about everything. Each thing we say here can touch someone who reads it and that’s terrific. The new baby is Beautiful!
    Best of luck on your second year!

  2. Brittany says:

    Yay! Happy Blogiversary! I’m so thankful that you started blogging 🙂


  3. Happy Bloggiversary! I love your honesty, emotion and balanced attitude towards life. You are a beautiful mother and your kids and us readers are lucky to have ya!

  4. Katie says:

    Congrats and happy one year for your blog!! What an amazing year too! Your blog is great and I enjoy reading it ; )

  5. Lauren says:

    happy blog anniversary.

  6. Me! Happy Blog Anniversary. Glad I stumbled upon your blog and now I am going to catch up on some of the early posts you highlighted in this post 🙂

  7. Evan Thomas says:

    Happy blogiversary!

  8. Allie says:

    Happy Blog anniversary Tina! Yippie! It seems like you have had a blog MUCH longer than one year and it is so awesome 🙂 I hope you keep doing it for a long time! I watched your vlog and I love your accent 🙂

  9. Happy blog-iversary! I’m with you all the way. Look forward to reading many, many more of your posts.

  10. Happy 1 year birthday to FFF! I hope year two is wonderful 🙂

  11. Jolene says:

    Wow. You have only been blogging for a year and you have a HUGE amazing following!! I am so impressed. I LOVE the vlog about announcing your pregnancy, I wasn’t reading your blog yet, so watching it now was so fun 🙂 congrats!

  12. Happy Blogiversary! 🙂 You are so open on your blog–I admire your bravery. I am always so hesitant to share personal things.

  13. Happy 1 year, FFF! It is so neat to see how your life has changed over the course of just 1 short year!

  14. Angela says:

    Happy Blog Birthday Tina! Congratulations on all of your success so far. Your blog has grown so much and I know you’ve grown as a person too. Can’t wait for what’s to come! 🙂

  15. HAPPY ONE YEAR! that’s so exciting! and what a beautiful Baby B to bring it all together. you must be so proud of yourself.

  16. Melissa says:

    what a wonderful year!!! Happy Anniversary!

  17. Kacy says:

    Wow, you’ve had a wonderful year! Happy Blogiversary girl!

  18. happy 1 year of blogging. i love you.

  19. Lauren says:

    Happy blog anniversary! I’ve loved following your blog these last few months.

  20. emily says:

    I am on board with ya! You have done great things this past year! I am excited about this year! God is going to bless you even more!!!!

    PS: I tagged you in a Stylish Blogger Award on my page! congrats

  21. Ashley says:

    Wow! You had such a wonderful journey. I am definitely with you in pursuing faith, fitness, and fun for the new year. 🙂

  22. I know you were uncomfortable, but I’m so happy that baby B has such an awesome birthday date!! 🙂

    I can’t wait to see all your fabulous posts in 2011!

  23. Cynthia says:

    Happy first birthday!

  24. Kelly says:

    HAPPY BRITHDAY TO FFF!! I truly feel blessed to have you share so much of yourself with us on a daily basis. Oh and I made those enchiladas…YUM!

  25. Karen says:

    Happy One Year Tina!! I enjoy reading your blog everyday!! Can’t wait to see how 2011 treats you the rest of the year since it’s been VERY good so far…Baby B!!

  26. Happy blog-iversary!! Crazy to be able to reflect back on your year and see all that you have done! My year is coming up next month.. so exciting!

  27. Karen says:

    Happy 1 Year Blog Birthday!! What an amazing year you have had! I can’t wait to tag along for the next year!

  28. Shannon says:

    What a year! Congratulations!

  29. teresa says:

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.
    I haven’t had much commenting time, but I love to read your posts.
    You are a goddess! I can’t believe that you didn’t miss a beat even through childbirth and coming home with a newborn and a toddler to care for.
    Thank you for creating this wonderful site. I love it.

  30. LOVE your blog Tina! This was an awesome re-cap of everything you have done. 🙂

  31. Happy Birthday FFF! And I missed that vlog, but I just watched it now – it makes me want to meet you even MORE in person, Tina! 🙂

  32. Lee says:

    Happy blog birthday. Can’t wait to read your second year.

  33. Happy blog anniversary! I’m really glad to have found your blog and look forward to reading your new posts. I will have to look back over the past year, too, since I’m new. I’m really intrigued by the 30 days of self love. Thanks for being such an encouragement!

  34. Errign says:

    Happy Blog Birthday 🙂

    Your blog is a one of the newer ones that I’ve been reading & it always makes me smile 🙂

  35. happy blog birthday! keep up the amazing, inspiring posts!!

  36. Aw tina happy 1 year! I can’t wait to go back and reread all of the posts I missed before I knew about your blog. I love coming to your blog everyday, it’s such an open honest place. Thank you for sharing yourself with us!

  37. Happy one year girl! I have no clue how I missed this post earlier!

  38. Sarah R says:

    What a year for you! Congrats!

  39. Happy One Year! You’ve really come a long way in only a year, in both your personal life and your blog. You have much to be proud of! My one year blogiversary is coming up next week as well. Time flies!

  40. I’m glad that one year ago you decided to start blogging, I can’t remember exactly when I came across you’re blog but I do know I enjoy you’re posts! Keep them coming!

  41. ashleigh says:

    Happy Blog Birthday!!

  42. Happy One Year FFF!!!!! It certainly was a full year wasn’t it? I wish I found your blog sooner…you visited Philadelphia and I am only five minutes away in New Jersey. Would love to be able to meet you! Next time you are in the area you will have to let me know.

    Well, as you know im a fairly new reader to your blog and it appears I have A LOT of catching up I want/need to do. :o)

    I am so glad you started blogging and that I finally found your little corner on the web!!

    (On another note, I was thinking of switching over from blogger to wordpress, what are your thoughts?)

    • Tina says:

      I definitely prefer WordPress! My first sporadic blog I had for a couple short months was Blogger and I found WordPress much more user friendly. It’s not too hard to switch it over from what I remember either. I don’t remember exactly how I did it since its been so long, but I do remember it being easier than I thought and something I did without my computer savvy husband’s help.

  43. Kristi says:

    Happy 1 year FFF! I’m so glad that you started your blog a year ago, and I was able to stumble across your blog one day. You are such an inspiration!

  44. Anna says:

    Hope you had a fabulous blog birthday ^_^

  45. You are an inspiration for all you did in 2010 and how far you’ve come in one short year!!! Congrats!!!

  46. Tabs says:

    I just read your little blurb in Fitness this very morning while running on the treadmill. Loved it!! 🙂

  47. Ela says:

    Congratulations! You have done so much in such a short time with this blog! I had no idea that you’ve only had it up for a year (I’m approaching my one year mark too, and feel like I’m barely getting started in comparison.)

    Thanks for sharing all that you share!

  48. Marie-Sophie says:

    This is why I just love reading your blog and look forward to coming back every time I click on your blog sign 🙂 – you are one of the most sincere, straight forward and real life bloggers that I’ve come across!
    I somehow know I could write you an e-mail whenever I have any questions concerning faith, personal struggles, dealing with life or pregnancy. And to know that you could that and contact a person who is pretty much on the other side of the world (I live in germany, so big big ocean in between ;-)), that is pretty amazing and very comforting!!

    Congratulations to Braedon and I look forward to following your journey!

  49. Heather says:

    Happy Birthday to FFF!! I can’t wait to go back and read all those past posts! I gotta get caught up!

  50. […] Moment: FFF’s Blog Birthday/Anniversary I had a lot of memorable moments this week – my “Real Deal” post and fitting into my jeans […]

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